Surf Girl – July 2019

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26 SurfGirl Magazine

Tegan, when did you start surfing and how did you
get into it?
My parents, auntie and uncle all surf, and my Grandpa
was one of the pioneer surf crew in West Cornwall, so it’s
in my blood. My dad has taken me to our local beach at
Crantock and put me on the front of his board since I was
a baby. Over the years I grew in confidence and by the
time I was six he was pushing me into green waves.

What do you love most about surfing?
I enjoy how every wave is different, so it’s never boring.
You don’t get that in any other sport. Surfing also gives
you a sense of freedom and release; nothing else seams to
matter when you’re out in the waves. I love the point when
you lock into the wave and you feel like you become at one
with the ocean. It’s such a magic sensation and always
keeps you paddling out for just ‘one more wave!’

Do you like competing and is that what you intend
to do?

I’ve been into competitive sport from an early age –
swimming, tennis, netball and hockey – and I’m always
hungry for a challenge. I enjoy surf contests especially
because the conditions are always different – it’s not like a
100m sprint with a fixed and predictable course.
Within the next two years I would like to start competing
on the Junior Pro Tour in Europe.

You’ve just been sponsored by Roxy, was that one of
your dreams?
Being sponsored by Roxy is every surf girl’s dream. I
love being a brand ambassador for Roxy as it’s all about
celebrating the empowerment of women in action sports.
It’s about feeling beautiful and strong in your own skin and
encourages young girls to dream big and shoot for the

How would you describe your life right now in five
SURF, eat, sleep, school, FUN!



Tegan Blackford
is the UK’s super
grom and recently
sponsored by Roxy,
she’s living every
teenager’s dream.


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