Slam Magazine – September 2019

(Elle) #1


basketball background and they already
had a pipeline on kids. When they first got
the group, it was a strong group that was
familiar with each other,” says Pitts.
“Last year we went with Charles
Jones–former LIU player and NBA
player—and Gary Ervin. Two guys that
are heavy in the basketball world in
Brooklyn. When you start with great
coaches that have a pulse on the city, it
makes it so much easier. It’s just different
when you have coaches that have the
relationships and so everything happens
That championship team included
incoming St. John’s freshman Julian
Champagnie, who just like Red Storm
legend Mark Jackson attended Bishop
Loughlin Memorial in Fort Greene,

“whoever brought this to

the table, i salute them.

everybody was saying new

york basketball is down. i

don’t hear that anymore.”


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