OK! Magazine UK – 05 August 2019

(Kiana) #1


Above ‘The second trimester was like spring from
an awful winter,’ Ben laughs, as Julia (facing page)
says: ‘I suddenly felt like me and really good again.’
Below right: Julia and Ben at their wedding, with
Jack P Shepherd, Tina O’Brien and Lucy Fallon

Men: The Whole Nine Months. When
you realise what’s going on inside your
partner’s body, then you have to just shut
up, it’s fine!
Julia: Exactly. Just cook my tea and
make me happy [laughs]!

Have you suffered from any morning
sickness, Julia?
I felt very sick for the first trimester
but, luckily, I didn’t actually get sick.
Although, I couldn’t be in the same
room as an egg! It made me feel ill to
even think about them. I was also very
tired and was just getting home from
work, putting food in my mouth and
then going to bed. It was fun!
Ben: The second trimester was like
spring from an awful winter [both laugh].
Julia: It’s true, I suddenly felt like me
and really good again.

When did you find out you
were pregnant?
Julia: It was on March 28, the morning
after my birthday. I had an inkling,
so I did a test and, unbelievably, it
was positive.

Ben: Julia woke me up with a smack on
the face from a positive pregnancy test!
We both sat there in awe.

Why was it hard to believe?
Julia: Because we fell pregnant the first
time we tried. We feel privileged.
Ben: You never know what’s going
to happen or whether it’s going to
take a long time or whether you’ll be
able to have children, so we both feel
incredibly lucky.

When did you first start talking
about starting a family?
Ben: We spoke about having children
on our first date, just to check we were
on the same page, so we’re over the
moon. We’ve only been together for
four years but we both knew we were
looking for a serious relationship when
we got together.

Remind us of how you met...
Julia: I went to RADA with Ben’s
younger brother Josh. Josh told me
if I met his older brother, I’d fall in
love with him! We met when he came
down from Manchester to visit and we
did have an instant connection. I don’t
think either of us was quite ready for
that kind of relationship. I just knew
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