OK! Magazine UK – 05 August 2019

(Kiana) #1





ancer JORDANBANJO (left) must be doing triple back flips this
week after the arrival of his baby daughter. His girlfriend NAOMI
COURTS gave birth to Mayowa Angel Banjo on July 23 (below).
Mimi, as she’s known for short, was born at 3.24pm weighing 8lb 9oz.
Naomi later explained that she arrived ‘via a planned C section due to
being in a breech position’.
Referring to their daughter as ‘our little angel’, the Diversity star
praised Naomi in an Instagram post, writing: ‘I cannot put into words
the depth of love and respect I have for you, I can never repay the
gifts you’ve brought into our lives with our 2 beautiful children.’
The couple are already parents to son Cassius (left), 14 months old,
who arrived by water birth. Comparing the two deliveries, The Greatest
Dancer host added: ‘This time the process was so different than it was
with Cass but you
were so strong
and amazing,
thank you.’
Jordan and
Naomi talked
about expecting
their second child
exclusively in
OK! in February,
saying: ‘We
always knew we
wanted another
baby fairly quickly
as we want our
children to be
close in age,
but we weren’t
expecting it to
happen quite as
quickly as it did!’




fter emulating
his famous mum
in a recent beauty campaign,
tribute to the actress once
again. Recreating her iconic
Versace dress, the 17 year
old donned a bespoke
Versace suit featuring
gold safety pins last week
(right). Model Damian was
attending the launch of Pat
McGrath Labs’ new product
range, of which he is the
face. It’s been 25 years since
Elizabeth wore that dress
when she accompanied then
boyfriend HUGHGRANT
to the premiere of Four
Weddings And A Funeral
in 1994 (left). Recently
opening up about the black
dress, the 54 year old said:
‘I urgently needed to find
a dress to wear for Hugh’s
premiere, and in those days
I had no idea about fashion.
I remember going to an
office where they literally
fished a dress out of a white
plastic bag.’
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