Verve – July 2019

(Greg DeLong) #1

128 JUNE - JULY 2019

This was outside the Gateway of India, in the morning. The previous night,
I had caught up with my friend Suleiman at Woodside Inn. We met a friend
of his who likes to sail and is a member of the Royal Bombay Yacht Club. So
very late that night, after some beers, we booked a boat and went sailing the
next morning on just a few hours of sleep. It’s such a great memory!

Though Swedish-born Bjorn Wallander began his studies in engineering, he
quickly realised that photography was his true passion. He started his career
as a photographer in Norway and eventually moved to New York, where
he worked with photographers Knut Bry, Brigitte Lacombe, Albert Watson
and Frederik Lieberath and where he currently resides. While an assistant,
Wallander was always working on his own projects, and developing his own
style in the areas of portraiture.
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