Verve – July 2019

(Greg DeLong) #1
134 JUNE - JULY 2019

“New York is about embracing new cultures. It’s a city where you can try

your hand at whatever you want. Here, you can bump into a celebrity

while walking on the street. I walked into Paul McCartney outside my

restaurant one night. Where else on earth would you find McCartney

roaming the streets? I’ve also run into Will Smith and Madonna.”


Goa —> New York

“My first day in New York, my brother
and I ate a hot dog from a street cart in
Manhattan, which was a first for me since
I grew up in India. Being able to eat that
on my first day, surrounded by men in
suits and ties, was pretty memorable...
When I arrived in New York, I distinctly
remember being moved by the way that
food is celebrated here — it could be
from a local street food joint or a fine-
dining restaurant. That convinced me
that anything is possible in this city.”

“I love that I’m able to call two cities my home, both of which are fun and vibrant. I try
not to lose out on anything and live in the moment. When I’m in Goa, I enjoy going to the
market and finding mangoes, coconuts and chillies whereas when I’m in New York, I visit
the farmers’ markets and shop for strawberries, asparagus and tomatoes. If I’m thinking of
the mangoes and jackfruits in Goa while in New York, then I would be missing out on what
the Big Apple has to offer — and I try not to do that as it would dilute the experience.”
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