Verve – July 2019

(Greg DeLong) #1

82 JUNE - JULY 2019

Rai’s car now hurtles through the famous alleyways of Bandra for about 10 minutes
before coming to a stop at Pali Vegetable Market. I’m curious as to why this location
features on the blogger’s list, since I assume that she has already wrapped up her
quota of grocery shopping for the day at Godrej Nature’s Basket. “I have a secret
avocado guy here”, she tells me conspiratorially as she speaks with the vendor
in hushed tones before her face takes on an expression of dismay. “He sold his
entire stash today”, she says, but there is little time for lamenting as Vihaan and
Shivansh, still hopped up on sugar, begin playfully chucking vegetables at each
other. A withering look from their mother is enough to dissuade them from any
further shenanigans, but Rai melts immediately when the cherubic Shivansh asks if
he can make a selection of carrots for dinner. Rai’s smile is almost beatific, and she
basks in pleasure at her son’s choice of food item. Clearly, she’s taught him well.


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