yourself up. You can’t have bad grades
forever. Talk to your professors to see
where you should improve, take some
time out to study and improve in what
you’re lacking. It’s great to have fun,
but there will be days when you’re
going to despise those textbooks and
long sleepless nights. All you should
know is that it is part and parcel of the
plan, and your efforts will definitely
pay off in the end.
- Take up internships and
volunteer, get out of your
comfort zone!
You’re at a stage in life where
you’re most productive, so why not
channel some of that productivity
into something worthwhile? As
you gear up for life ahead, doing
internships will definitely give you a
heads up as to what to expect as you
progress career-wise. And I’m not
just saying this as an excuse to keep
yourself occupied. Doing internships
helps build your portfolio; a number
of companies consider this during
placements, so if you want them to
pick you, prove to them why you’re
worth it. Nobody forces anything on
you in college; it’s up to you to shape
how you grow. Volunteer and do
your bit for society. It’s time to get out
of your little cocoon of comfort and
explore what’s out there. Not only
does engaging in activities like this
keep you occupied, but you get to
meet new people, learn new things,
and grow holistically. So don’t be shy
to embrace what’s out there!
- The first friends you make
may not always be the right
When I entered college, I didn’t
want to feel left out; as is the case
with most people. It’s always nice
to have someone you can confide
in. So in that initial phase of college,
you’re so excited and in a hurry to
make new friends, that sometimes
you fail to understand if that person
is right for you or not. Only time will
reveal true personalities. So if you
Elizabeth Ann Thomas is an Associate at Worldview Education. An ardent
Potterhead and a travel enthusiast, she is also passionate about education and
the environment, and looks forward to engaging with youngsters on the same.
Reach out to her at [email protected]
- Be yourself.
Don’t pressurize yourself to fit
a certain type. You find people of
so many different cultures and
backgrounds that it doesn’t matter
where you come from, or what you
do. Students are tolerant to so many
types of behaviours and lifestyles, so
just relax. Ensure you’re comfortable
and happy. You will always find that
special friend who clicks with you,
but don’t do so at the cost of losing
yourself. People appreciate it when
feel uncomfortable in a particular
friend circle, don’t be afraid to
break away from it. Do what makes
you happy and don’t put up with
things that you feel aren’t right.
Also, just because you’ve been good
to someone, don’t expect them to
treat you the same way. Some of
your naivety will fade away as you
encounter new experiences. You
win some, you lose some, so don’t
mull over what could have been.
Eventually, everyone who is meant
to be a part of your life will be so,
irrespective of the circumstances.
you stand up for what you believe in
rather than hiding behind a façade
because it’s convenient. Eventually,
your friends are going to stand by
you for what’s inside, so if that’s
fake, what else is left?
- Despite all this, you’ll still
have a BALL of a time!
I think this goes without saying.
The first year might have been a
tumultuous year with so many ups
and downs, but I still loved it. The
vibe that college had was unlike
anything I had experienced. From
impromptu rendezvous with friends,
procrastinating academics for those
mad parties... there are so many
experiences and memories that I’ll
definitely cherish.
If you’re still reading this, I’m glad
you put up with my ranting till the
end! For those of you who still have
two or three more years of college to
look forward to or if you’re heading
to college for the first time this year,
I hope my thoughts will have been of
some help to you.
: ©