The Teenager Today – July 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

funny Bone

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Sent by Aryanshi Sharma (13) /
St Anthony’s Jr. College

When someone sends me a
screenshot, I notice their battery
percentage, network type, whether
it is connected to wi-fi, whether
headphones are plugged in, etc.!

How my week goes...

On WhatsApp...
“Who’s this?”
Boy: “I got your number from a
WhatsApp group...”
“I’m a guy... that’s my girlfriend in
the profile pic.”
Boy: “Okay, give me her number.”

Letter: Dear Dad, No money, no fun.
Your Son.
Reply: So sad, very bad. Your Dad.

Boy: “Bro, what’s H2O?”
Friend: “Water.”
Boy: “Okay, then what’s H2O + H2O
+ H2O?”
Friend: “A flood.”

Exercise in a textbook...
Complete these sentences about
yourself. E.g. I’m thinking of
studying in a foreign country.

  1. I’m interested in sleeping.

  2. I’m excited about sleeping.

  3. I’m thinking of sleeping.

  4. I’m looking forward to sleeping.

  5. I’m not used to not sleeping.

  6. I’m tired of not getting enough sleep.

  7. I apologized to my friend for

  8. I’m not capable of sleeping now.

  9. I’m used to sleeping.

  10. I decided against waking up.

Doctor: “Your wife is in a coma.
Husband: “Please save her, doctor!
She’s only 30.”
Suddenly the wife’s hand moves,
and her lips mutter: “I’m 29.”

“Hello, my son has fever and won’t
be able to come to school today.”
Teacher: “Who is this?”
“This is my father speaking.”

National lie: “Sorry, my phone was
on silent.”

Guy: “Bro, I wanna give my
girlfriend a gift. Any idea what to
give her?”
Friend: “What does she look like?”
Guy: “Very pretty and sweet.”
Friend: “Give her my number!”

I need a HUGe amount of money!

A boy was praying in the
Teacher: “Why are you praying
Boy: “My mother told me to pray
before sleeping.”

Interviewer: “How long did you
work at your last job?”
Candidate: “35 years.”
Interviewer: “And how old are you?”
Candidate: “25 years.”
Interviewer: “You are 25 years old
with 35 years’ experience... how is
that possible?”
Candidate: “Overtime.”

Roommate 1: “Can
you wake me up at
5.00 a.m.?”
Roommate 2: “Sure!
Can you wake me up
at 4.55 a.m.?”

Dad: “Son, you
have to work five
times as hard as you
did last year to get
good marks in the
Son: “But dad, 5 x 0
= 0.”

Girl: “Do you speak Italian?”
Boy: “Yes.”
Girl: “Say something...”
Boy: “Pizza!”

Do you know? No one has ever
complained of a parachute not
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