WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 2019 The Boston Globe G9
For current Charles River Basin water quality, call (781) 788-0007 or go to
For more information on today’s conditions, call the
state hotline at (800) 882-1497 or Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection web site
Eastern Massachusetts air quality
50 100 150 200 300
Allergies Source: Asthma & Allergy Affiliates, Inc.
Trees Weeds Grass Mold
Yesterday’s mold and spore rating.
Absent Absent Absent N.A.
Small craft advisory
Gale warningStorm warning
●Travel delays possible,CClouds,FFog,HHaze,IIce,PcPartly Cloudy,RRain,ShShowers,SSun,SnSnow,FlFlurries,TThunderstorms,WWindy
Boston’s forecast
Temperatures are
today’s highs
and tonight’s lows.
Mount Washington
Climate data are compiled from National Weather Service records and are subject to change or correction.
Wind Seas Temp Wind Seas Temp
Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow
Forecast high and low temperatures and conditions
TODAY:A cold front slicing through warm and humid air
will touch off spotty showers and thunderstorms; some will
bring downpours.
TOMORROW:Beautiful weather is on tap with
lower humidity and a good deal of sunshine. There
EXTENDED:Mixed clouds and sunshine
across the far south with a little more
humidity. Nice weather elsewhere with
sunshine and some clouds.
New England forecast
Tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M.
High tides
Old Orchard ME 11:0211:13
Beach NH 11:1611:27
Plum Island 11:3111:46
Ipswich 11:0111:12
Gloucester 11:1411:26
Marblehead 11:1411:26
Lynn 11:1211:24
Scituate 11:1811:31
Plymouth 11:2411:40
Cape Cod
Canal East 11:0511:19
Cape Cod
Canal West 9:5710:14
Falmouth 10:5811:10
Hyannis Port ---12:12
Chatham ---12:05
Wellfleet 11:2811:40
Provincetown 11:1811:33
Harbor ---12:15
Oak Bluffs 11:41 ---
New Bedford 7:49 8:12
Newport RI 7:42 8:05
Boston high 11:1411:26
Height 9.8 11.6
Boston low 5:02 5:14
Height -0.8 0.0
Weather Partly sunny
Visibility 20 miles
Wind southwest at 14 m.p.h.
High/low temperature 64/55
Snow depth at 5 p.m. 0.0”
(5 p.m. yesterday)
Yesterday’s high/low 96°/74°
Sunrise 5:35 a.m.
Sunset 8:05 p.m.
Moonrise 4:43 a.m.
Yesterday 0.00”
Precip days in July 9
Month to date 4.56”
Norm. month to date 3.30”
Year to date 29.60”
Norm. year to date 25.14”
(valid at 5 p.m. yesterday)
Forecasts and graphics provided byAccuWeather,Inc.©2019
Boston Harbor S 6-12 kts. 1 ft. 90/73
East Cape
Cod Canal SW 7-14 kts. 1 ft. 87/71
Buzzards Bay SW 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 85/71
Vineyard SW 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 84/69
Nantucket SW 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 79/69
Provincetown SW 7-14 kts. 1 ft. 85/69
Atlanta 90/72 Pc 90/71 T
Atlantic City 91/69 Pc 87/69 T
Charlotte 91/68 Pc 90/68 T
Chicago 78/57 S 81/60 S
Dallas 99/78 Pc 97/78 S
Denver 94/63 Pc 86/60 Pc
Detroit 80/59 Pc 82/59 S
Fort Myers 92/75 T 91/76 T
Los Angeles 83/63 Pc 83/62 Pc
Miami 91/79 C 90/78 T
New Orleans 88/73 T 90/75 Pc
New York City 87/72 T 86/71 T
Philadelphia 89/72 T 88/72 T
Phoenix 94/83 T 101/86 Pc
Salt Lake City 89/67 C 92/72 Pc
San Francisco 72/58 Pc 71/60 Pc
Seattle 82/62 Pc 85/65 Pc
Washington 88/72 T 88/73 T
Beijing 96/74 Pc 89/74 T
Cancun 89/77 T 90/77 Pc
Mexico City 74/52 T 76/53 T
Montreal 83/61 T 82/61 S
Toronto 80/60 S 81/59 Pc
Vancouver 74/61 Sh 75/62 Pc
Jerusalem 90/68 S 87/69 S
London 74/56 C 77/60 Pc
Moscow 57/48 C 59/51 C
Paris 77/57 Pc 82/61 Pc
Rome 85/65 S 87/68 S
San Juan 88/79 T 89/79 Pc
Stockholm 63/49 Pc 70/48 Pc
Tokyo 89/80 Pc 89/79 Pc
6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.
Sunny to partly cloudy
and less humid. The day
may begin with some
clouds, especially at the
coast, but the afternoon should
feature less humidity.
6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.
Pleasant with intervals
of clouds and sunshine.
High pressure will be
in place across New
England, resulting in another
nice day with low humidity.
6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.
Intervals of clouds and
sunshine. Humidity may
come up a few notches
during the day as the
winds start becoming southerly,
then southwesterly.
6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.
Partly sunny with a
shower or thunderstorm
around. A relatively
weak frontal boundary,
combined with increased mois-
ture, could lead to convection.
6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.
Hot and humid with
mixed clouds and sun-
shine; a shower or thun-
derstorm around in the
afternoon. A slow-moving cold
front will approach the area.
Cy the Cynic had a doctor’s appointment. He showed
up late for his penny game, grumbling about doctors who
mangle their appointment schedule.
“Doctors have emergencies,” I observed.
“People who test my patience need to understand that it’s
one exam I don’t plan to pass,” Cy growled.
Cy needs patience as declarer. At today’s 3NT, he took the
king of spades and passed the 10 of hearts, losing to West’s
queen. Cy won the spade return and next let the jack of
diamonds ride, but when East took the queen, Cy won only
eight tricks.
After Cy wins the second spade, he can cash his hearts,
then exit with a spade to let West take his tricks. East
would probably pitch two diamonds and then three clubs.
Cy would discard clubs from dummy and his hand.
When at Trick 10 West led a club to the king and ace,
Cy would have a reliable count: East, who held only four
major-suit cards, was more likely to have diamond length.
So Cy would play him for the queen — and make 3NT.
DAILY QUESTIONYou hold:♠K73♥♥10 9 8 4♦♦A96♣ 7
6 4. Your partner opens one diamond, and the next player
overcalls one spade. You make a negative double, and your
partner then bids two hearts. The opponents pass. What do
you say?
ANSWER:Your double promised length in hearts but the
wrong type of hand to bid two hearts. Partner’s second bid
is not a “reverse.” He is just “raising” the suit that your
double suggested. Pass. You have no extra strength.
West East
♥♥ ♥♥
♦♦ ♦♦
South dealer — N-S vulnerable
10 9 8 4
South West North East
2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass
Opening lead —♠Q
4325 8 7 916
916 4 3 2 578
9 216 5 4 378
3 4 5 178 6 2 9
6 8 7 2 9 3 4 5 1
78392 1 5 6 4
4 79165 3 8 2
5 2 3 486 9 1 7
day, July 31, 2019:
This year, you manifest many of your
to change your status, you will find
an excellent reason to! If attached,
you see a resurgence of more roman-
tic days. You and your partner both
could be surprised at your new
closeness. A fellow LEO adds a lot of
zip to your days!
ARIES(March 21-April 19)
At first, you might feel as if you
woke up on the wrong side of the
bed. Quickly, you will feel other-
wise. You are clearly on top of
your game. Think of clearing out a
misunderstanding between you
and another person. Tonight: Fun
and games.
TAURUS(April 20-May 20)
Do not become too complacent
about what is happening around
you. Others find you to be full of fun
and surprises at the moment. A con-
versation starts up out of the blue,
allowing a new beginning for you
and another person. Tonight: Run
errands on the way home.
GEMINI(May 21-June 20)
You feel better and better as the
day ages. A new beginning be-
comes possible, involving commu-
nication and/or feelings. In the
near future, if not today, make
sure to connect with a friend who
you've felt quite distant from. To-
night: A force to behold.
CANCER(June 21-July 22)
Curb an innate possessiveness or
perhaps jealousy that keeps com-
ing up. A situation arises in which
real cause of these uncomfortable
feelings. With the knowledge that
ensues, you will gain more under-
standing and control of this un-
comfortable emotion. Tonight:
Meet a friend for bubbly and
LEO(July 23-Aug. 22)
You could find yourself in an irk-
some situation that you might
want to change. You will have an
opportunity to iron out this dis-
comfort and possible misunder-
standing in the next few days. Use
caution around money dealings.
Postpone any decisions in this ar-
ea until tomorrow. Tonight: Stop
and visit a friend.
VIRGO(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
You could be very tired of a loved
one's or friend's attitude of late. A
New Moon encourages you to look
within and decide how much you
caused this issue -- honestly. You
will have an opportunity to clear
the air. Tonight: Vanish. Mystery
behooves you.
LIBRA(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Zero in on a long-term goal. You
might not hit a bull's-eye at this
very moment, but you will in the
near future. A friendship plays a
significant role in the realization
of this desire. Be open to a discus-
sion. Tonight: Where the crowds
SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
A must appearance is inevitable. A
boss or authority figure wants to
know your true feelings and
thoughts about an important mat-
ter. An unexpected twist with a
close friend or loved one adds
more color to your day. Tonight:
Accept an invitation out.
SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You cannot imagine that others
will seem so friendly and willing
to pitch in after their recent cold-
ness. This thaw in an interaction
might happen as soon as today,
but it will definitely take place in
the next few days. Meanwhile, fol-
low a whim! Tonight: Authenticity
CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
One-on-one relating draws good
results. A partner finally hears
your willingness to work through
a problem loud and clear. You've
possibly tried a new approach to
eliminate a recent tension. Listen
to the other party. Tonight: Take
your cue from a loved one.
AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Do not overthink another person's
gesture. You could easily misread
what is going on. Accept a gra-
cious gesture. Stay open to conver-
sations and some fun. You like the
potential opening you see. To-
night: Midweek break. Frolic
PISCES(Feb. 19-March 20)
Focus on the quality of your day-
to-day life. You might want to
schedule a class in yoga or head to
the gym more often. You might
feel the need for some other
change to keep your life more ac-
tive and vital. Tonight: Follow
your instincts.
Jacqueline Bigar is at http://www.jac-
(c) 2019 by King Features Syndi-
cate Inc.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every
3X3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Puzzle difficulty lev-
els: Easy on Monday and Tuesday, more difficult on Wednesday
and Thursday, most difficult on Friday and Saturday. Tips and
computer program at
9 8
8 4 6
7 4 6 1
9 3
5 327
5 1 9
2 8 96
4 2