The Boston Globe - 31.07.2019

(Martin Jones) #1

WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 2019 The Boston Globe The Region A

ous the problem was. “We have
no evidence that this issue was
ever framed as being about any-
thing other than old traffic cita-
tions,” she said.
Lawmakers, however,
sounded surprised about how
such a widespread problem
could have gone unnoticed for
so long.
“I think you can see in our
questioning... a skepticism, if
you will, or surprise that this
level of procedural and man-
agement failures within the
Registry was pretty much un-
known to anyone else in state
government,” said Representa-
tive William Straus, who co-
chairs the Joint Committee on
Transportation. “There seems
to be a disconnect there.
“The overall picture I got
was, certainly within the Regis-
try of Motor Vehicles, a lack of
clear mission, a lack of assign-
ments, a lack of clear responsi-
bilities,” he later added.
“There’s clearly still a long way
to go.”
The legislative panel con-
vened the hearing to try to de-
termine why the Registry did
not act on notifications from
Connecticut that Volodymyr
Zhukovskyy had been charged
with drunken driving in that
state in May. The 23-year-old
remained on the road until he
was charged in the June 21
crash that killed seven people in
Randolph, N.H.
Massachusetts officials ad-
mitted afterward that they
should have terminated his
commercial license before the
Deveney resigned amid the
disclosures and shortly before
state officials said the Registry
had deeper-seated problems —
namely that the Merit Rating
Board had ignored tens of thou-
sands of notifications from oth-
er states about Massachusetts
drivers, dating back to at least
March 2018.
But, officials said Tuesday,
warnings about the issue had
lingered long before.
When the state launched
new software that month, De-
veney and the board director,
Thomas Bowes, said they
stopped processing the daily
notices still flowing in amid
concerns the unit was falling
behind on handling Massachu-
setts-based driving citations.
In his testimony, Bowes said
his staff was struggling with ad-

Continued from Page A

justments to new software, and
that his requests to Deveney to
bulk up the board’s roughly 62-
person staff went unheeded.
“I did not have the manpow-
er,” he said.
Deveney said the Registry
had to work with a specific
head count for full-time em-
ployees, and that the “obliga-
tion” of the Registry was to “of-
fer the services with the re-
sources that we had.”
“I take responsibility for de-
cisions made,” Deveney said.
A year after that decision to
stop processing out-of-state no-
tifications in 2018, however, an
internal auditor sent Deveney
another warning. Brie-Anne
Dwyer, who works in the De-
partment of Transportation’s
audit unit, testified that in
March she told Deveney that a
backlog of 12,829 unprocessed
notices from other states was
sitting in an electronic queue
within the Merit Rating Board.
The unit was responsible for
processing the notifications
from other states where Massa-
chusetts-licensed motorists vio-
lated driving laws. The notifica-
tions, she said, included convic-
tions for operating under the
influence, speeding, and other
Dwyer, who was tasked with
auditing the board starting in
January, said she also brought
her findings to Bowes the same
month. But when she asked
him then who was in charge of
processing them, Bowes was
blunt, she said.
“He stated, ‘Nobody,’ ” Dw-
yer told lawmakers.
Bowes said he contacted an
IT employee about the backlog,
but acknowledged he didn’t
pursue it further.
“An auditor told you there
were 12,829 unprocessed tasks
in the area of your responsibili-
ty and you asked one IT person
[for help] and that was the end
of it?” Senator Eric Lesser, a
Longmeadow Democrat, asked
Bowes at one point.
After a pause, Bowes re-
plied: “Yes.”
Pollack told lawmakers she
was never told of the extent of
the backlog.
The Registry — now led by
an acting registrar, Jamey Tes-
ler — has since suspended the
licenses of more than 1,
drivers who, officials admit,
should have lost them earlier
but did not, because the paper
notices were left unprocessed at
the Registry’s Quincy head-

The agency had also failed for
years to notify other states when
their drivers ran into trouble in
Massachusetts. Officials have
said they plan to put a system in
place by Wednesday to automat-
ically generate paper notifica-
tions for other states but that
they will continue to mail them
because there isn’t a system in
place for states to exchange that
information electronically.
Throughout the hearing,
lawmakers continually raised
questions about Baker’s admin-
istration, including how its fo-
cus on improving customer ser-
vice at the Registry may have
handicapped its focus on public
safety, and what his office may
have known about the out-of-
state notifications before the
June crash.
In the fall of 2016, the head
director of the state’s driver con-
trol unit had prepared a memo
— a copy of which the commit-
tee released — specifying there
was a backlog of out-of-state ci-
tations, without describing its
size. The memo was addressed
to Baker’s legal counsel, as well
as the Department of Transpor-
tation’s legal office. But Pollack
told lawmakers that the memo
never made it to them.
“We have located no record
that this draft memo was ever
sent beyond the RMV,” she said.
“It was a draft sent to the regis-
trar but there is no evidence she
ever resent it to its intended re-
Tuesday’s marathon session
came roughly a week after law-
makers abruptly ended a short-
lived and contentious first at-
tempt to conduct a hearing on
July 22, when Baker adminis-
tration officials didn’t produce
witnesses or documents they
wanted and said they could not
answer many questions because
of their own ongoing review.
Each of those invited Tues-
day attended, though some
didn’t testify after the hearing
ran long, including representa-
tives from Grant Thornton, the
auditing firm the state hired to
do a 60-day review of the Regis-
try’s out-of-state violations sys-
tem, and Fast Enterprises,
which developed the RMV’s re-
cord-keeping software.

Martin Finucane and Laura
Crimaldi of the Globe staff
contributed to this report. Matt
Stout can be reached at
[email protected]. Follow
him on Twitter @mattpstout


Erin Deveney, the former head of the Registry who resigned in June, said the “obligation”
of the Registry was to “offer the services with the resources that we had.”

The acting registrar, Jamey Tesler, answered questions from lawmakers on Tuesday.

RMV knowingly created

massive backlog of citations

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