Esprit Bonsai International – August 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

48 - EspritBonsaiInternational # 101

Health and aftercare
When I am styling branches
I ensure enough foliage is
present to secure the health and growth of
the tree: leaving the tips of the foliage almost
untouched, ensuring energy production by a
good amount of foliage for photosynthesis,
and sap flow to bring nutrients to the tips.
For new growth to be propagated further back
along branches, it is essential that the foliage
ends are growing well and keeping the sap
flow high. Therefore they are not trimmed at
this time, but only after they have developed
further during spring and early summer.
This will strengthen the overall health
of the tree, and the branches will
hold their new position faster.
Feeding well after styling is essential to
speed up growth and recovery.

The design
The design aimed for is a dramatic but
elegant tree, with a slightly feminine
look but still showing the qualities and
strength of a mountain juniper tree.
The foliage pads are arranged to follow the flow
of the tree. Keeping open spaces is crucial to
letting the viewer see the deadwood and the
curved angles of the live vein inside. The foliage
pads and canopy have to be kept trimmed
so they are in harmony and balance with the
tree. In future an unglazed lotus-shaped pot
might be a good container for this tree. �

Top view showing how the branches are spread out, letting
air and light in and promoting new growth for the future.

Open spaces allow access to the deadwood.

Feeding well

after styling

is essential to

speed up growth

and recovery.

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