Esprit Bonsai International – August 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
#101 EspritBonsaiInternational - 49



a tree for a


Ideally, one should prepare a

yamadori some years before

an anticipated demonstration.

When the day comes, one can

then shape the tree without taking

risks and devote a maximum of

time to explanations.

Author: François Jeker

Here is a yamadori such as dreams are
made of. It was love at first sight for this Scots pine.
Its two trunks seem to be the strokes of a master
calligrapher with alternating strong straight lines,
gentle curves and extraordinarily energetic move-
ments – not to mention the old crackled bark. In
order to style this tree, I had to forget all the rules,
habits and routines and try to put myself humbly
at the service of the tree to enhance a creation of
nature. And in complete freedom, show the maxi-
mum of imagination.

Faults to correct
Despite its quality, this pine has many faults
which must be corrected starting this spring in

  1. The tree has no visible nebari and lacks sta-
    bility, especially as the trunks lean very strongly to
    the left. So the so one must scrape away the soil’s
    surface to find the large lateral roots. This is not a
    dangerous operation, particularly in spring. Most of
    the rootlets can be found under large roots, and the
    few that are above, can be removed. •••

An unusual Scots
pine: an excellent
subject for a
which must be
well prepared.
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