58 - EspritBonsaiInternational #101
� Spotlight
on Broadleaves
A first with an elm
The story of this Ulmus parvifolia
(Chinese elm), formed from a seedling,
began in 2006, the year in which we
created the Burton style. The plant
was wired at the end of its first year of
growth, then planted in the ground for
a few years. During this growing period,
we made several base branches around
the trunk fuse together, and wired others
to imbue the tree with movement.
In 2012 the tree was moved into a pot,
and its life as a bonsai began. In 2013 we
did the first work such as selecting the
branches, applying wire and carrying
out some initial scarification – that is,
removing some areas of bark. We kept
a sap-drawer at the top, to facilitate
healing and increase the trunk’s
thickness. These various procedures
need to be repeated several times
The procedure of scarification is one of the three
main techniques of the Burton style.
Contrary to the theory that when removing bark from a tree
you are only taking material away, scarification allows material
to be created, as long as you are patient and give the tree time
to re-form its cambium. Repeating such an operation multiple
times allows a trunk or branches to thicken up via their outer
layer, as each year the phenomenon of scar formation writes
a new page in the tree’s life story, right within its bark.
In June 2013,
in a temporary
throughout the season, as the bonsaist
sees fit, depending on what he or she
is trying to achieve: in this respect
there are no fixed rules, except that
there should be an overall harmony.