Macworld USA – August 2019

(vip2019) #1

power amplifiers (go.
in a bridged mono
I tested both
Yamaha’s internal preamp
and also connected and
tested the phono output
with a Cambridge Audio
Alva Duo phono preamp
The Yamaha’s internal
preamp is decent for the
casual listener. However
playing the Yamaha Vinyl
500 via the Cambridge Audio Alva Duo
elevated the turntable’s performance in
seemingly every aspect. Unfortunately, you
lose MusicCast functionality in this latter
configuration. The
comparatively greater
detail, definition, and air
with the Cambridge
Audio Alva Duo. I
preferred the top end
too, feeling that it has
more air. Therefore, if
you’re connecting the
Yamaha to a revealing
Hi-Fi setup, you’d do well
to add an external phono
preamp to elevate the

Yamaha’s performance. Note that if you
want to engage MusicCast, you simply flick
a switch on the unit’s rear panel to direct
the audio back to the unit’s line output.

Setting up the turntable and its counterweight was easy as pie.

The Yamaha MusicCast Vinyl 500, all set up and ready to go.
Free download pdf