Macworld USA – August 2019

(vip2019) #1

effectiveness of ANC in PSB’s hotel suite. I
had hoped to try it on a commercial flight,
but I didn’t have that opportunity during this
review. I did, however, wear the headphone
while driving around my neighborhood. (I
know, that’s illegal, but I only drove along
side streets, and only for a short while.)
The ANC function was remarkably
effective, greatly reducing the level of
ambient noise. Listening to music, I still
heard somewhat bloated bass, but that’s a
small price to pay for such effective noise
I asked Paul Barton about the
difference in sound with ANC on and off.
He said that he voiced the sound to
measure almost identically with ANC on or
off, but with less background noise, the
brain perceives a bit more bass.
In that case, I would have voiced
the ANC sound to measure a bit
lower in the bass to compensate
for this perceptual effect.
My wife called my cell while I
was listening at home.
Answering the call worked
exactly as expected—the
ringtone played in the
headphones, and I “picked up”
by pressing the skip forward/
back rocker straight down. My
wife’s voice was perfectly clear,
and she reported that mine was
as well.

I’m deeply impressed with the PSB M4U 8.
The Bluetooth sound quality is superb, and
the ANC is exceptional, among the best
I’ve ever heard. My only issue here is that
the sound quality isn’t quite as good with
ANC engaged, though I doubt anyone will
hear much of a difference in a noisy
environment such as an airplane.
In addition, the build quality is super-
solid, the control layout is excellent, and
it’s quite comfortable to wear even for
extended listening sessions. I also
appreciate the ability to act as a passive
headphone if the batteries are dead,
though in this case, the sound is a bit
anemic, at least from my iPhone.
At $399, the M4U 8 is expensive.
Among its direct competitors
are the Bang & Olufsen
Beoplay H9i ($345) (go., Sony
WH-1000XM3 ($348) (go., Bose
QuietComfort 35 II ($349), and
B&W PX ($400) (go.macworld.
com/bwpx). All are top-rated, so
the one that’s best for you
depends on your individual
preferences. But if you’re in the
market for high-end, noise-
cancelling Bluetooth
headphones, the PSB M4U 8
should be on your short list. ■

PSB Speakers M4U 8

  • Superb Bluetooth sound

  • Excellent build quality.

  • Controls are laid out well
    and easy to operate by feel.

  • ANC causes slightly bloated

  • Somewhat anemic sound
    when unpowered.

  • Expensive.

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