Airgun World – July 2019

(ff) #1 AIRGUN WORLD 61


Alan with the bits we found for him in the office.
He’s grown a bit since then!

Time to remove the head and feet. Use a cleaver or
a sharp knife, but push down in a controlled way
rather than chopping.

Now it’s time to remove the intestines, which is
the messiest bit, but all part of the preparation

Take great care when slitting the belly cavity. You
don’t want to cut into the intestines. Just use
gentle pressure on the tip of the knife.

Make sure you get everything out. Keep the
kidneys and liver if you want them for pate and
pies, but make sure the liver is dark and solid in

Now give everything a thorough wash, inside and
out, picking off any hairs and bits of skin tissue
you see.

Job done and ready for jointing, or to be cooked
whole if that’s what your recipe requires.

A proper plateful of wild food. Almost any stew,
casserole or pie designed for chicken can be made
with rabbit.

Basically, the skin is peeled away, leg by leg, then
the saddle and chest, until the rabbit is ready for

Always remember to respect your quarry.
Butchering an animal isn’t the most enjoyable
part of airgunning, although I really find it
satisfying to do, but it can connect you to your
ancestors and remind you that the meat comes

from nature. My dad and I never take these
creatures for granted and we always treat them
with the utmost respect by never wasting them.
Thank you for reading my article and I hope
it will help you make the most of your quarry
and your sport.
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