The Independent - 05.09.2019

(Tuis.) #1


Tomato and tapenade tart

This tart is simple and beautiful – given the right tomatoes, it’s a highlight of the summer table. Heavy,
deep-coloured Amalfi bull’s heart tomatoes work well when in season, with some datterini or small plum
tomatoes to fill in the gaps. A sprinkling of fragrant basil at the end is essential, as well as a drizzle of your
best olive oil. Nyons olives make amazing tapenade, but any soft black olives will do nicely.

Makes 1 large tart (enough for 4 people for lunch or lots of small squares for a party)

For the tart

4 bull’s heart tomatoes
1 x 500g block of pre-rolled puff pastry
A handful of small Italian plum tomatoes, red and yellow if possible
Olive oil

Section 2

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