The Independent - 05.09.2019

(Tuis.) #1

said: “Leaders put strong systems in place to address any type of discriminatory behaviour. They educate
young people about the importance of tolerance and respect, and consult with police over any serious
incidents which occur. But, at a time when it often seems that our society is worryingly divided, and against
a backdrop of diminishing resources, this is increasingly challenging.”

Saima Razzaq, from an LGBT+ group set up following the protests, said: “These protests undermine our
ability to unite and counter this rise in hate crime against those of all protected characteristics. I urge Gavin
Williamson to act on the failures of his predecessor. The government need to be stronger in their guidance
for teachers – there is too much pressure on teachers to deliver an equality strategy with so many grey areas

  • we need to empower teachers.”

A government spokesperson said: “Hate crime is unacceptable in any circumstance or setting and schools
should be safe places for children and staff. Our country has a proud history of tolerance and that is why we
want children to learn the importance of respect for each other.”

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