The Independent - 05.09.2019

(Tuis.) #1

Teenager arrested for attempted murder at Tate Modern

A 17-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a child was thrown from the
viewing platform at London’s Tate Modern gallery. The six-year-old boy is believed to have been thrown
from the tenth floor platform and fell to the gallery’s fifth floor roof.

He was treated at the scene and flown to hospital taken to hospital by air ambulance yesterday afternoon.
Visitors were prevented from entering or leaving as the Tate was placed on lockdown while emergency
services attended the scene. The six-year-old is in a critical condition in hospital, the Metropolitan Police

Pilots arrested after failing breath test

Two pilots have been prevented from flying a United Airlines plane after allegedly failing breath tests at
Glasgow Airport. The men were stopped before boarding the flight to Newark, New Jersey on Saturday

Both were arrested on suspicion of being under the influence of drink or drugs. The flight was scheduled for
9am but it was cancelled following the pair’s arrest.

Police Scotland said that two men, aged 61 and 45, had been remanded in custody pending a scheduled
court appearance on Tuesday, on suspicion of offences under the Railways and Transport Safety Act. The
act covers offences where pilots are found to be intoxicated. If found guilty, the pilots could face a fine or up
to two years in prison.

Burglar helps ‘heart attack’ woman as he robs her

A burglar fetched a glass of water for a woman who he thought was having a heart attack, then carried on
stealing cash, jewellery and alcohol from her home. The 69-year-old householder feigned a heart attack to
try to deter the man who had broken into her home in Wednesbury in the West Midlands.

Police said the burglar woke up the victim in her bedroom, in the early hours of Friday morning, demanding
money and making threats. When she made out she was unwell, the culprit initially got her the water before
taking her valuables and making off in her car, a Suzuki Swift. Police said the suspect was white, in his
mid-20s, slim, and spoke with a Black Country accent.

Woman, 89, murdered in her home

An 89-year-old woman has died after being assaulted in her house in Waltheof Gardens, Tottenham. Police
officers believe one or more intruders broke into the North London house between Saturday evening and
yesterday morning. Detectives have opened a murder investigation into her death.

Police were called to the property by the London Ambulance Service at 10.45am yesterday. The woman was
pronounced dead at the scene and her next of kin have been informed. No arrests have yet been made.

Man attacked with machete at train station

A man was attacked with a machete at Enfield Town Station in north London yesterday morning. The
victim was taken to hospital with injuries to his head and arms but they were not considered to be life-

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