The Independent - 05.09.2019

(Tuis.) #1

The imposition of fines and antisocial behaviour orders seem to be of limited effect and imprisonment is
inappropriate and arguably harmful.

Perhaps there is the germ of an idea in Priti Patel’s thoughts on “terrorising” offenders.

It would be both interesting and instructive to conduct a trial of corporal punishment in place of the usual
penalties and observe the results. The penalty would affect rich and poor, old and young, male and female
equally. The fearful apprehension (or terror, if your prefer), pain and humiliation might influence
reoffending rates whilst not excluding follow-up rehabilitation and not adding to economic disadvantage.
Reoffenders would face a steep curve of incremental increases in the severity of the penalty.

In anticipation of condemnation, vituperation and general outrage, I have already donned my hard hat, but
reasoned evaluation of the proposal would be more welcome.

Steve Ford Haydon Bridge, Northumberland

The great no-deal strop

The UK’s latest threat to the EU that it will opt for no deal if negotiations are not reopened is embarrassing.
It is like a teenager threatening to throw a strop if their parents do not let them take the car on a world tour
alone, despite knowing they are not insured, there is no fuel in the car, and there is a slow puncture in at
least three of the tyres.

Matt Minshall Norfolk

Dropping isn’t a ‘strange’ tradition

Your article on the Dutch custom of “dropping” (“If this sounds crazy, it is because you’re not Dutch”, The
Magazine, Saturday) makes it sound alien, but in my youth it was just a normal scouting activity. We didn’t
give it a fancy name and there were no hi-viz jackets, GPS units or mobile phones. We just had a map and
compass, and we had to find our way back to our base. The first task was working out where we were, which
might entail walking in the wrong direction until we could identify a landmark. Then it was just a routine
hike back.

John Harrison Address supplied

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