Animal Talk

(avery) #1


ur parents are often devastated after
a diagnosis of deafness, whether you
have suspected this for some time or
it is sudden and unexpected. It is important
to remember that, just like hearing-impaired
humans, deaf dogs can live a full life with some
changes to their environment and lifestyle.
The causes of hearing loss in dogs may
be breed-specific. Certain coat patterns and
colours like white, spotted, piebald or merle
coats or white heads and ears have been
linked to deafness in dogs. If genetic, the
deafness may be congenital or the dog may
go deaf at an early age. Other causes of
deafness include injuries, illnesses, tumours
and old age.
After a full assessment and diagnosis, your
vet will explain to you the degree of your
pet’s hearing loss. Deafness may be partial
or permanent, depending on the cause and it
may occur in one (unilateral deafness) or both
ears equally (bilateral deafness).

Changes to consider
In order to ensure the safety of your deaf dog,
you need to take cognisance of your home and

  1. Identification
    First up, if your dog does not yet have a
    microchip, have one implanted as soon as
    possible. Your dog should also have a collar
    with an identification disc, your cell phone
    number and an inscription: ‘I am deaf’. This
    will ensure, that should anything unforeseen
    occur, he can get the assistance he needs.

  2. Deaf puppies
    If you have a deaf puppy, don’t neglect
    puppy classes and obedience training. These
    are highly beneficial for deaf pups to learn
    socialisation skills. The instructors should
    be informed about your puppy’s deafness so
    additional instruction can be offered.

  3. Calling your dog
    A partially deaf dog may be able to hear a
    high-frequency dog whistle which can be

useful when you need to call your dog to come
for his meal or when you want to go for a walk.
Dogs naturally communicate using body
language, and you can take advantage of this
if your dog is deaf. Try a physical gesture, such
as waving your arms to attract his attention,
and always reward your dog for coming to you.
Do this even when the dog comes to you on
his own. Show your dog that checking in with
you is always a positive experience – this will
encourage him to do it more often.
Use a cat bell on his collar so that you can
quickly identify where your dog is in the house.

  1. Safe at home
    Take a walk around your property and ensure
    that it is secure. If your dog has access to your
    front gate and driveway, section off the property
    to prevent access to these areas.
    Beds should be placed in a safe area where
    your dog cannot injure himself should he
    get startled while asleep. Beds should not be
    placed on a staircase landing or close to stoves,
    fireplaces and heaters.
    If you need to wake your dog, do so gently
    or he may react with a nip or bite. Stand close
    by his bed so he can get a whiff of your scent
    or place your hand near his nose. You can also
    apply a gentle touch to his leg or stamp the
    floor, very lightly, so he can pick up on the
    vibrations. Try various options and see what
    works for your dog. Always be careful not to
    give your dog a fright.

  2. Walking your dog
    Pay very close attention when out walking
    your dog. He won’t hear vehicles or people
    approaching and he may startle. Tie a bandana
    around your dog’s neck to alert people of his
    disability. A white bandana is sometimes used

to indicate that the dog is deaf or blind.
Always keep your deaf pet on lead when
taking him for a walk or visiting the dog park.

The most important change that everyone
in the family needs to make is how you
communicate with your dog. Auditory
language and spoken cues in training need
to be replaced with visual cues.

Hand signals
Some pet owners use common signs from
South African Sign Language, or you
could make up and use your own signals,
provided that each sign is different to the
others you use.
Consider signs or gestures that you
naturally do when you speak to your dog.
Hearing dogs often pick up on visual cues
and facial expressions too, so if your dog’s
deafness has progressed over time, he may
already be looking at the visual cues that he
associates with certain words and activities.
Some trainers also advocate that you say
the word with a clear mouth shape and/or
animated facial expressions.
Establish the signals for the various
commands and use them every time you
communicate with your dog. For example,
holding your dog’s leash, you clearly form
the word ‘walk’ with your lips and move the
leash up and down in your hand. For sit, you
can place your palm facing down and move
your hand downwards. You should have
cues for heel, fetch, stay, food, car, bed and
any other activities you do with your dog.
When he understands your visual cues,
use treats and physical affection to reward
him positively.

The most important change that everyone
in the family needs to make is how you
communicate with your dog.


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