Animal Talk

(avery) #1


When introducing children to your kitten
ask the children to sit quietly and offer the
kitten tasty treats for coming near them. They
must be told not to grab at or hold her, as this
could result in the child receiving a nasty
scratch and the kitten having a lifelong fear
of children. Children should never be allowed
to chase the kitten; however, having said all
this, children and kittens generally get on well
together and form a strong bond.

Introducing other cats
The introduction to other pets at home must
be done slowly. When introducing your kitten
to the resident cat, start off by keeping the
kitten in one room and not allowing your adult
cat access. Start feeding both cats on either
side of the interleading door. If they are both
comfortable eating there – great! If not, move
their food away from the door to a distance
where they both can eat, then gradually move
the food back to the door.
This builds a positive association of something
nice (food) with the smell of the kitten or cat.
Once they are both comfortable with this, swap
the cats over so the older cat is in the room and
the kitten is in the rest of the house. This way
they get used to each other’s smell without
actually meeting.
From here put both cats in separate baskets
and put them in the same room, while
constantly feeding them both treats to build
up the association that the smell of the other
cat equals good things. If all goes well, let
them out in a closed room. A good idea is not
to feed them before the meeting so they are
both hungry and will be ready to eat the food
you give them, from a suitable distance apart.
They must be well-supervised and gradually
these times together will get longer until they
are comfortable together.

Meeting the dog
Meeting your dog is the next thing your kitten
needs to learn about. Most dogs chase cats
because cats run, however there are some dog
breeds who are more intense in their chase.
These are most commonly the sighthounds –
Greyhounds, Whippets and Afghans.

If you have one of these breeds you must be
super vigilant when your kitten is small and
provide her with lots of safe places where the
dog can’t reach her.
When introducing your kitten to your dog it is
of utmost importance to keep your kitten safe.
Place the kitten in a large crate that she can’t
get out of and your dog can’t get into. Inside the
crate have a box where your kitten can hide if
she feels nervous. You need two people for this
introduction. Have your dog on lead and allow
a calm meeting of the two. If your dog is over-
excited, move him away from the kitten, to a
distance where he can still see her but is calm.
Give him treats for not reacting at this distance.
At the same time, the second person gives the
kitten treats to build up a positive association
with the dog. Slowly bring your dog closer to
the crate, all the time rewarding for not reacting.
You eventually want them to meet nose to nose
through the crate.
Once you have done this a few times, have
your dog on lead, a pocketful of treats, open
the crate to allow the kitten to wander about,
and keep treating your dog for not reacting.
Do these introductions a few times and make

sure your dog is calm and comfortable around
the kitten before letting him off lead. If you
experience any problems with either of these
introductions split them up and contact a
behaviourist to help you.


Her second big lesson is to teach her about
the litterbox. You need to give your kitten a
litterbox in her room. Put the litterbox in a quiet
area, but not next to her food, water bowl or bed.
There are many types of litter, however the
one that all cats seem to like best is plain
old sand.
Most kittens will instinctively scratch in a
litterbox, however some of the longhaired
breeds may require a little assistance. Gently
hold their paw and make a scratching motion
in the litter – they will soon catch on.
If your kitten has an accident do not punish
her, clean up the place with biological washing
powder, rinse it well and leave to thoroughly dry
before allowing the kitten back there.

Dogs and cats can
have very good
relationships if they
were introduced

If the kitten doesn’t know how
to use the litterbox yet, you
should teach her how.



Kittens should stay with
the mom until they are at
least 12 weeks old.
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