Animal Talk

(avery) #1

Don’t only consider the size of your
cat’s mouth when you buy a new food
dish, think of her whiskers too. Your
cat’s whiskers are extremely sensitive
and if there is not enough space for her
whiskers to fit into the bowl as well,
she might avoid using the bowl. One
sign that the bowl is too small is when
your cat uses her paw to get the food
out of the bowl.

  1. Big enough bowl


The label on the packaging will indicate how much your cat is supposed to eat.
If she wants more food, or is not eating the required amount, speak to your vet.
Watch her weight to see if she’s losing or picking up weight, and adjust her food
accordingly to keep her at her ideal weight.

Enough food

If you have more than one cat, feed each cat separately. This will allow them to eat at their own pace and will make it
easier for you to notice if one of the cats is suffering from a possible appetite problem.

  1. One bowl each



12 tips

for feeding

your cat

Guidelines to follow

Cats are notoriously finicky creatures. Your cat can also
be quite a snob when it comes to her food and water and
will easily turn up her nose when something is not to her
liking. These guidelines will help you to keep her healthy
and content.

Text: Mientjie Kleinhans | Photography: Pavel_D, Okssi, Edward Palmquist, Viktor Lugovskoy,
Pelagey, Nailia Schwarz, Pedphoto36pm, Willee Cole Photography, Ermolaev Alexander, jeehuyn

Clean bowl
You wouldn’t want to eat from a dirty
plate with leftover food, so why should
your cat eat from a dirty bowl? By
cleaning it after every meal less bacteria
will form and your fussy feline might just
enjoy her food more.


  1. Best quality
    Always buy the best quality
    food that you can afford to
    keep her as healthy as possible.
    Ensure that the food is rich
    in protein and discuss any
    alternatives with your vet first.

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