Animal Talk

(avery) #1



tongue length

6 million

number of ants eaten per year


running speed

Lions, leopards and hyenas are the pangolin’s natural predators,
but their biggest threat is humans. Both their scales and meat are in
demand in African and Asian markets. In Asia, the pangolin’s organs
are seen as a delicacy and it is believed that their scales contain
medicinal value. In Africa, the pangolin is used for muti and bush meat.
According to one of South Africa’s indigenous cultures, seeing a

Natural predators and threats

The mother raises her single baby in a burrow. The baby’s
scales are soft at birth and harden from the second day.
The baby will suckle for about three to four months, but
will start eating termites from about one month. The
mother moves her baby after the first month by ‘carrying’
him on her tail.

The pangolin is an ant and termite eater. He sticks his
narrow head into ant hills and uses his long tongue to
penetrate the tunnels. The ants and termites stick to the
thick saliva on his tongue, which he then gathers in his
mouth. He doesn’t have teeth to chew and the sand that
gets into his mouth helps to grind his food.


pangolin is a sign of drought and killing the animal will stop the drought.
Another threat for this species is electric fences. Although pangolins
use their sharp claws to dig holes under them, they sometimes get
entangled in the fence and electrocute themselves.
Habitat loss and being killed on the road are other reasons why
pangolin numbers are decreasing.

He rolls into a
ball to protect

Pangolins are the most
trafficked animal in
the world.
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