Animal Talk

(avery) #1
There is no difference between
a bunny and a rabbit. Bunny
is the affectionate name for a
rabbit or baby rabbit.




abbits make amusing, quiet and
rewarding pets and can be trained
to use a toilet area, much like a
cat. They seldom bite and do not need
particularly elaborate accommodation. They
can make excellent pets for children, but
are quite fragile and all interactions with
young children should be supervised by
a responsible adult. When picked up, one
should always support the rabbit’s back, as
if they flail around unsupported they can
easily injure their spines. Rabbits should
never be picked up by the ears.

Tips and guidelines


Bunnies have a few very specific
requirements in order to keep them
healthy. Wild rabbits eat hard grasses and,
unlike us, have teeth that continue to grow

throughout their lives. If their teeth did not
grow continuously, they would wear down
and the rabbit would starve.
If pet rabbits do not eat enough fibre, their
teeth can grow too long and can develop
sharp spurs which cut the mouth. Rabbits
with tooth problems will often show interest
in food but then either turn away or drop the
food after a half-hearted attempt to chew it.
Once tooth pathology has developed, dental
filing under anaesthesia is necessary to correct
the problem.


The rabbit digestive tract is highly
specialised to gain the maximum value out
of the poorly digestible grasses that they eat in
nature. They have a well-developed hind gut
containing a population of beneficial bacteria.
A lack of fibre can predispose them to bloat
and to a dangerous condition known as gut
stasis, where the intestines stop contracting
in a normal manner.
The proper diet for hind gut fermenting
rodents consists mainly of a good quality grass
hay (Timothy, Eragrostis, long-stem feeding
hay or Teff). Lucerne is not hay and should only
be used as a treat as it is too high in calcium
and can predispose the rabbit to bloat. It also
does not contain sufficient fibre for tooth and
intestinal health.


Rabbit pellets in a limited amount are also
an important part of the diet, but take
care to buy those designed specifically for pet
rabbits. The commonly available commercial
rabbit pellets are designed to encourage rapid
growth in meat and lab rabbits, and are
unsuitable for the long-term health of our pets.


Bunnies love fresh vegetables and these can
safely make up 30% of their diet. There are
numerous websites such as The House Rabbit
Society that provide lists of suitable fresh
foods to offer your companion. Avoid foods
high in carbohydrates and sugars as these will
imbalance the natural bacterial flora of the gut.


Unlike with dogs and cats, rabbits in
South Africa are not required to have
any yearly inoculations. The dangerous virus
Myxomatosis does not occur in our country.


Rabbits are social animals and do very well
when kept with a partner. Both single sex
and male/female pairs can do well together, but
they need to be carefully introduced to prevent
initial fighting. We recommend sterilising your
pet to prevent unwanted litters, to minimise
aggressive behaviours and to prevent the very
common development of uterine cancer in


One does not need overly complicated or
costly accommodation for pet rabbits. Many
people keep them as house rabbits, loose in the
home. If you choose to keep your bunnies like
this, please rabbit-proof the room they live in
by removing all electrical cords and valuable
furniture as they will gnaw on anything and
everything in their environment.


Rabbits love being outdoors and will relish
fresh grass to eat. They should always be
kept safe from predators either in a well-built
hutch or under direct supervision if allowed
to roam free.


Please check all your garden plants to make
sure that none are toxic to rabbits before you
allow your pet to explore the outdoors.
Enjoy your bunnies!

They can make
excellent pets
for children.

Not only are rabbits very
cute, they can be quite
entertaining as well.

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