Animal Talk

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ine South African athletes and their
dogs have been selected to represent
South Africa at the IFCS World Agility
Championships at the Equestrian Centre in
Hellendoorn, Netherlands, from 10 to 14 April

  1. Sixteen countries will take part in the
    Championships and include countries like the
    USA, Great Britain, Canada and Russia.
    For many dog agility handlers around the
    world, it is a lifetime goal to represent their

country by competing internationally in this
sport, and it is a real honour to be selected. To
attain this qualification, a dog and his handler
trains daily and attends various workshops
hosted by local and international trainers. They
also compete in one-day competitions once
or twice every month and compete in three-
day national competitions five times a year.
Thousands of kilometres are travelled annually
to attend these events.

Keeping fit and healthy
The dedicated handlers have extensive
training programmes themselves to make
sure that their fitness complements their
dogs’ performance. The dogs are fed the best
foods in correct quantities to ensure they
maintain their optimum weight and have
regular veterinary checks to ensure they are
in peak condition.

South African Team
The World Championships are held annually
and always in the Northern Hemisphere, most
often in Europe. The South African Team for
The Netherlands 2019 is:

  • Annaret Meintjes with Catchi

  • Bronwyn van Dyk with Epic

  • Carolyn Chelchinskey with Katy

  • Nanette Perold with Popcorn and
    Mr Noodle

  • Philip Fourie with Duke

  • Roche Compaan with Sumo

  • Samantha Stedman with Cal

  • Samantha Wainwright with Brandi

  • Tracey Lander with Esprit
    The 2019 IFCS World Agility Champion-
    ships will be live on YouTube and there will
    be an active blog as well.

Text: Jacki van Heerden | Photography: Supplied

Carolyn Chelchinskey’s Katy
showing off her skills.

2019 IFCS World

Agility Championships

South African agility team to participate

The IFCS World Agility
Championships is unique
in that cross-breed dogs
can compete as well.

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