Amateur Gardening – 10 July 2019

(lily) #1

Holiday time! Pick up next week’s AG (in shops 9 July) to find
out how to help garden and indoor plants survive your
absence as you enjoy a summer break.

It’s heating up in the greenhouse

  • literally – so take
    steps to protect
    plants and
    keep them
    Too much
    direct sun
    will scorch
    leaves and
    dry out the
    making it perfect for
    pests such as glasshouse red
    spider mite.
    Help diffuse sunlight by painting
    the glass with washable liquid
    shader or by attaching fleece to
    the greenhouse frame.
    Keep doors and windows open
    for maximum ventilation and damp
    the floors to raise humidity.
    Use biological controls such
    as the parasitic wasp Encarsia
    Formosa to keep whitefly and
    other pests at bay and remember
    to water plants daily.

Four key jobs to tackle now!

Split plants, beat pests, clean tools and maximise crops

And when you’ve got a spare minute...


Warm, wet weather
lets weeds flourish.
Be diligent about weeding;
weeds steal light, water and
nutrients, but please leave
one or two for pollinators.

In the greenhouse

Lower temperatures
with shading paint
or by attaching
fl eece to the frame


When watering,
ideally use harvested
rainwater or ‘grey’ water
from washing-up (don’t
use water containing
bleaching agents).


Keep hard surfaces
clear and clean to
avoid a build-up of debris
that hosts pests and
disease, and can block
drainage channels.


Deadhead short-lived
perennials, such as
lupins, so the plant puts
energy into new leaves and
next year’s growth, rather
than seeds.

  • literally – so take
    steps to protect

making it perfect for

Raise humidity
by damping
the fl oor


Divide overgrown perennials, unless
the weather is extremely dry. Lift,
split with a knife or spade, then replant
divisions at the same depth, water well
and expect more flowers.


In the shed, make sure chemicals
are in date, labelled and out of the
reach of children and pets. Look after
your tools – wire wool is a gentle way
of removing rust spots.


Keep pests at bay, using organic
methods rather than chemical,
unless absolutely necessary. I find that
regular applications of Grazers 4 gives
excellent protection against lily beetle.


The June drop should have
finished now, so thin overloaded
tree fruits by hand and support heavy-
fruiting branches. Don’t forget to feed
tomatoes, courgettes and squashes.

Split plants, beat pests, clean tools and maximise cropsSplit plants, beat pests, clean tools and maximise crops

and expect more flowers. of removing rust spots.
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