0112 N2WH to Two Whiskey Hotel LLC, LA. Was ferried
Duluth, MN → Knoxville, TN, 22.5.19 then
delivered Knoxville → Auburn, AL → Baton
Rouge, LA, 24.5.19.
0116 N116PB was ferried Duluth, MN → Bloomington, IL
→ Millington, TN → Bolivar, TN →
Knoxville, TN, 7.6.19, then flew Knoxville
→ Bangor → Goose Bay → Narsarsuaq →
Reykjavik → Dublin → Santander →
Algiers 11-17.6.19 and Accra → Sao Tome
→ Luanda → Windhoek → Lanseria
18 -19.6.19 on delivery with marks ZS-CVJ
taped over.
0119 N35JK to Kagan Aviation LLC, CA. Was ferried
Duluth, MN → Knoxville, TN, 31.5.19. Flew
Knoxville → Frederick, MD, 7.6.19 and
appears to be based at the latter in spite
of the registered owner’s California
0121 N218HP to OCI 218HP LLC, MN. 6.19
0122 N18C to CL Air LLC, FL. Was ferried Duluth, MN
→ Knoxville, TN, 19.6.19.
0123 N1372Z to Innovation Aviation LLC, AR. Was
ferried Duluth, MN → Knoxville, TN,
22.6.19 then delivered Knoxville →
Russellville, AR, 27.6.19.
0124 N503DL to Vision Charters LLC, FL. Was ferried
Duluth, MN → Knoxville, TN, 24.6.19.
0131 +N3CW Cirrus Design Corp, MN. 6.19
0132 +N103AB Cirrus Design Corp, MN. 6.19
0134 +N923TW Cirrus Design Corp, MN. 6.19
0135 +N456FM Cirrus Design Corp, MN. 7.19
0136 +N5062 Cirrus Design Corp, MN. 6.19
0137 +N217GB Cirrus Design Corp, MN. 6.19
000015 N515MP arrived at Guernsey 30.4.19 where it was
noted wearing marks 2-LOKI 1.7.19.
000193 N125DE flew Richmond, VA → Presque Isle, ME →
Goose Bay → Narsarsuaq → Reykjavik →
Wick → Lelystad 12-14.6.19, whether on
export delivery or for some other reason
was unclear at the time of writing.
550-0271 N80WP to Sheepdog Aviation LLC, IN. Was
delivered Albuquerque, NM →
Valparaiso, IN, 29.5.19.
Eclipse-builder One Aviation has requested court approval to sell its
assets in a bid to avoid going into liquidation.
→ Louisville/Standiford Field, KY →
Charleston, SC.
680A0200 N664QS to NetJets Sales Inc, OK. Was delivered
Wichita/Eisenhower → San Antonio, TX
→ Port Columbus, OH, 21.6.19 and
entered service 25.6.19, Port Columbus
→ Teterboro.
680A0201 N665QS to NetJets Sales Inc, OK. Was delivered
Wichita/Eisenhower → San Antonio, TX
→ Port Columbus, OH, 27.6.19 and
entered service 3.7.19, Port Columbus
→ Chicago/Midway → Aspen, CO.
680A0202 N135DK to Textron Financial Corp, KS, and
leased to Poly Oriental Holdings Ltd,
Hong Kong. 6.19
680A0203 N51342 rereg’d OE-GLR, Goldeck-Flug GmbH.
Was delivered Wichita/Eisenhower →
Bangor → Gander → Keflavik →
Klagenfurt as such 28-29.6.19.
680A0204 N167FT to Fifth Third Bank, OH. Was delivered
Wichita/Eisenhower → Cincinatti/
Lunken Field, OH, 29.6.19.
680A0214 +N681QS Textron Aviation Inc, KS. 6.19
680A0215 +N684QS Textron Aviation Inc, KS. 6.19
680A0216 +N687QS Textron Aviation Inc, KS. 6.19
750-0057 N74VF to JEA Media Luna Surface LP, AR. 6.19
750-0232 EI-LEO flew Dublin → Belfast/Aldergrove →
Ostend 13.6.19 where it was rereg’d
PH-NNX, JetNetherlands, being noted
there as such 25.6.19.
750 -0238 N78SL rereg’d N224CX, Wings & Wheels
LLC, CA. 6.19
0009 N124MW rereg’d N124MR, Bank of Utah as Trustee,
UT. 6.19
0040 N228BS flew Ostend → Biggin Hill → Wick →
Reykjavik → Narsarsuaq → Goose Bay →
Bangor → Lancaster, PA → Leesburg, VA,
4 -6.6.19, returning home after a 6-week
tour of Europe [see ABN 5.19].
0053 N8HS marks N48HS are reserved. 6.19
0066 N316GE to 276GE LLC, DE. 6.19
0083 N289TX to Lone Mountain Aircraft LLC, OH, with
marks N777VV reserved. 6.19, 7.19
0093 N99CV to Paige Legal LLC, FL. 6.19
0104 N89WV marks N9WV are reserved. 6.19
Eclipse 500 2-LOKI (000015) at Guernsey on 1st July 2019. [Mike Stedman]