55000088 N721TD to US Bank NA, MN. Was delivered
Melbourne, FL → Greer, SC → St Paul/
Downtown, MN, 16.5.19.
55020103 PR-LBN rereg’d N603EE, Embraer Executive
Aircraft Inc, FL. Was delivered Sao Jose
dos Campos → Rio de Janeiro/Galeao →
Fort Lauderdale International →
Melbourne, FL, as such 3-4.7.19.
55020104 PR-LBQ rereg’d F-HJLP, SARL Av’Rent, and leased
to Air TNB. Was delivered Sao Jose dos
Campos → Recife → Sal, Cape Verde →
Toulouse 30.6-1.7.19 - the first Praetor
600 to be delivered.
55020112* ...... test marks are PR-LFE.
55020113 ...... test marks are PR-LHR.
55020114 ...... test marks are PR-LHH.
55020115 ...... test marks are PR-LHJ.
55020116 ...... test marks are PR-LFY.
55020118 ...... test marks are PR-LIX.
55020119 ...... test marks are PR-LJB.
FALCON 10/100*
51 –N683WS reg’n canx, no reason given. 6.19
62 –N6VG reg’n canx, aircraft parted out by
Alliance Air Parts Inc, OK. 6.19
37 F-HAIR forward fuselage is at St-Cyr-l’Ecole,
Paris, stripped to bare metal.
76 N450CL rereg’d N75CH, Delhar Falcon LLC, DE. 6.19
81 N504CX rereg’d N33AP, Adams Office LLC, CT. Was
noted at St Paul/Downtown, MN, as such
84 N700JD marks N708JD are reserved. 6.19
135 N121BZ to Burkes Sky High LLC, AZ. 6.19
183 HB-IYP although cancelled from the Swiss register
in April [see ABN 5.19], was noted still
wearing the marks at Le Bourget several
times in June.
224 N258FV marks N258FJ are reserved. 6.19
7 F-GMOH fuselage is at St-Cyr-l’Ecole, Paris,
stripped to bare metal.
31 N910JW to F900B LLC, MN. 6.19
114 XA-RFB rereg’d N258UT, Bank of Utah as Trustee,
UT. 6.19
126 +N990WR J&W Jet Sales LLC, AR, Certificate of
Registration renewed [see ABN 8.18]. 6.19
151 N908CA was damaged by fire at Addison, TX,
30.6.19 when a King Air 350 crashed into
the roof of its hangar and burst into
flames after a loss of control on take-off.
196 N501DB to Fur Management & Consulting LLC, TX. 6.19
3 N760 rereg’d N1900B, PHH Leasing LLC, TX. 6.19
79 N788CG marks N78CY are reserved. 7.19
85 N76PY to OTW Aviation LLC, AR. 6.19
95 9H-ALJ became F-HAOD, new ownership details not
yet known [see ABN 2.19]. Was noted at Le
Bourget as such 11.6.19, stripped to bare
metal and with new winglets attached.
112 N587DZ rereg’d N212U, 900EX LLC, NY. 6.19
190* N990FL to Island Aviation 900EX LLC, TX. 6.19
193+ N843MG to N963U LLC, WI, with marks N963U
reserved. 6.19
198* N198FJ to MTNOCN LLC, NH. 6.19
215+ N375SC rereg’d N1978G, Gig Air LLC, GA. 6.19
316+ F-WWFS was ferried Little Rock → Le Bourget
9.6.19 where it was exhibited in the Paris
Air Show static display 17-23.6.19.
Returned to Little Rock via Gander 27.6.19.
50000151 N299PP marks N299PB are reserved. 7.19
50000179 N426FC to Blue Rock Flyers LLC, MT, with marks
N7DC reserved. 7.19
50000359 N325PP to FCR Transport LLC, TN. 6.19
50000413 N502TX to State of Texas, TX. Was delivered
Melbourne, FL → Gulfport-Biloxi, MS →
Austin, TX, 19.6.19.
The Forca Aerea Brasileira has ordered four Phenom 100EVs for use as
VIP transports and liaison aircraft. The type will be given the
designation U-100. The first aircraft was noted wearing serial 3701 on
the production line at Melbourne, FL, recently.
50500176 N361CE to SE Jetlease LLC, CO. 6.19
50500248 N1505P to Delta Southern Resource Leasing LLC,
LA. Arrived at Baton Rouge, LA, 17.6.19
to be based.
50500274 F-HPJL was ferried Toulouse → Keflavik → Goose
Bay → Bangor → Melbourne, FL, 17.6.19
then rereg’d N274PF, Embraer Executive
Aircraft Inc, FL, on trade-in against
Praetor 600 F-HJLP qv below. 6.19
50500276 G-HNPN to Centreline Av Ltd. 6.19
50500437 N4LM flew Quebec City → Sondre Stromfjord →
Reykjavik → Knock 16-19.5.19 at the start
of a 70-day round-the-world tour.
50500475 N10163 rereg’d N26B, Jim & M LLC, FL. 6.19
50500496 +PR-WDL Sertrading BR Ltda. Flew Melbourne, FL
→ St Maarten, Lesser Antilles → Macapa
→ Vitoria → Sorocaba 2-4.7.19 on delivery.
50500497 N979JK rereg’d N977JK, Koehler Organization
LLC, SD. 7.19
50500509 +N900PZ FFI Aircraft LLC/Future Foam Inc, MT.
Was delivered Melbourne, FL → Omaha,
NE → Kalispell/Glacier Park, MT, 30.6.19.
50500510 +N252AG Don Lee Fishing Marketing, CA. Flew
Melbourne, FL – Teterboro 30.6.19 on
delivery, final destination (if not
Teterboro) not yet known.
50500514 CS-PHN was delivered Lincoln, NE → Bangor →
Goose Bay → Keflavik → Shannon →
Cascais 7-9.6.19 [see ABN 6.19].
50500517 +XA-JDM Hoteles Dinamicos SA de CV. Was
delivered Melbourne, FL → Toluca 2.7.19.
50500518 N434QS was delivered Lincoln, NE → Port
Columbus, OH [see ABN 6.19] and
entered service 26.6.19, Port Columbus
→ Hilton Head, SC → Charleston, SC.
50500521 N5BB to JMH Aviation LLC, OH. Flew Melbourne,
FL → Lufkin, TX, 28.6.19, on to Port
Columbus, OH, 1.7.19 on delivery.
50500522 +PP-INA details not yet known but flew Melbourne,
FL → Fort Lauderdale Executive →
Aguadilla, PR → Barbados → Manaus
→ Sorocabo 26-28.6.19 on delivery.
50500523 N378FX to Flexjet LLC, OH. Was delivered
Melbourne, FL → Cleveland/Cuyahoga
County, OH, as such 27.6.19.
55010012 N545MB rereg’d XA-MRA, Avemex SA de CV. Arrived
at Toluca as such 25.6.19 on delivery.
55010064 ...... test marks are PR-LHU.
55010065 ...... test marks are PR-LFO.
55010066 ...... test marks are PR-LIH.
55010067 ...... test marks are PR-LIC.
55000070 PR-ZSU rereg’d N670EE, Embraer Executive
Aircraft Inc, FL – the first US-registered
Praetor 600. 6.19
55000079 N632BK marks N632BL are reserved. 6.19