Model Airplane News – September 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


1st place Dave Platt Cessna 180
2nd place Jack Buckley Stinson 108-2
3rd place Frank Mintz Rearwin Speedster
4th place Bob Curry S.E.5a Scout
5th place Leonard Bechtold Stinson 108-2

1st place Bob Curry S.E.5a Scout
2nd place Frank Mintz Rearwin Speedster
3rd place Leonard Bechtold Stinson 108-2

The free-flight mass launch takes place early in the morning when the winds are at their lightest.

Dave Platt winds up his Cessna 180.
Frank Mintz’s Rearwin Speedster sits ready for the mass launch.

The free-flight event is a return to modeling’s roots and a simpler time without engines or radios. These
airplanes offer a lot of fun and satisfaction for those who want to give it a try.

Leonard Bechtold’s Stinson 108-2 awaits a new
rubber “motor.”

Here’s Jack Buckley’s Stinson 108-2 on the ready

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