Model Airplane News – September 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Volume 147
Number 9
September 2019

MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS (USPS 533-470; ISSN 0026-7295) is published monthly by Air Age, Inc., 88 Danbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897 USA. Copyright 2019, all rights reserved. Periodicals postage paid at Wilton, CT, and additional mailing offi ces.
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Top Gun Scale Invitational
31 years of scale excellence
By the Model Airplane News c rew

VQ Warbirds Tiger Moth
Th is little bird is a ball to fl y!
By Frank Tiano

E-fl ite/Horizon Hobby
F-16 Th underbirds 70mm EDF
Aff ordable airshow performance in a fantastic color scheme
By Andrew Griffi th

FMS Ranger PNP
A midsize all-purpose trainer with sport performance
By Gerry Yarrish

E-fl ite/Horizon Hobby Viper70mm EDF Jet
A great starting point for electric performance jets
By Rich Uravitch


06 Prefl ight

08 Pilot Projects

10 Tips & Tricks

64 Aerobatics Made Easy

66 Final Approach


Peter Goldsmith won the “Mr. Top Gun” title with
his impressive BAE Hawk from the Tomahawk
Aviation kit. You don’t want to miss our special
25-page, in-depth coverage of this year’s event!
Photos by David Hart

Our Top Gun coverage showcases planes like Best
Civilian winner Steve Th omas’s WACO
Free download pdf