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Edge 540
David Novotny, Keizer,
David printed parts on a
3D Prusa MK2.5 printer
to build this 64-inch-
span model of Hannes
Arch’s Red Bull racer.
Th e 8.1-pound model
is powered by an Axi
4130 20T motor on 8S
LiPos. David writes, “It
has the unique features
of direct-drive control
surfaces and removable
static-display landing
gear. It is a beast with a
loud growl.”
SEND IN YOUR PICTURES! Model Airplane News is your magazine, and we encourage reader participation.
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The “Pilot Project of the Month” winner will receive a Model Airplane News digital download of his or her choice.
Sport Stick 120
Ricardo Moreira, Brasília, Brazil
Built by Ricardo and Francisco Reifschneider from
a Flying Circus kit with a Fairchild PT-19 scheme,
this Sport Stick 120 is powered by a Daleb 25 gas
engine with an 18x6 propeller and a customized
silencer. Francisco writes, “It is a joy to fl y, with
perfect scale characteristics, and with fl aps
extended, it lands really slow.”
Swift S-
Ville Tyyster, Finland
Ville spent two years building this sailplane and notes that, “Apart from fi berglass
fuselage, it’s made from scratch. Th e wings and elevator are of foam/balsa
construction with fi berglass skin. Th e very heavy wing spar is made out of pine and
is calculated to withstand a 10G load. Th e paint job is semigloss.” Th e 98.42-inch-
span plane weighs 33 pounds.
Wedell-Williams No. 44
Jeff Fiscus, Portsmouth, Rhode Island
Th is scratch-built 1/5-scale racer has a 62-inch wingspan and is powered by a
VVRC twin-cylinder 40cc
engine, which is adequate
weight to balance the
plane without adding any
nose weight. Jeff fi nished
it with fi berglass and
Solartex fi nish, Pink-It rib
stitching, Klass Kote paint,
and Callie Graphics decals.
He writes, “In fl ight, it
accelerates like something
out of Star Wars.” J