Mother Earth Living – September-October 2019

(Joyce) #1



How to Grow and Use an Aloe Vera Plant
Growing aloe vera indoors is easy. Purchase a plant at your local nursery,
and plant it in a small or medium-sized pot. Water it by slowly pouring water
through the center of the plant; it won’t need much because it’s a desert plant.
Water about once a week, letting the soil become dry in between waterings. Keep
your plant in a location where it’ll get plenty of sunlight.
When you need aloe vera for topical applications, cut off the tip of a leaf and
slice it open to reveal the insides. Apply the clear, gel-like material directly to the
affected area.
For oral intake, make your own aloe vera juice. Cut a large leaf or several
smaller leaves off the plant. With a knife, peel off the green outer layer from one
side, and then use a spoon to scoop out the gel. Blend the gel in a blender until
smooth. Store in the refrigerator. When ready to drink, stir about 2 tablespoons
into a glass of water.
If you don’t want to grow a plant, you can purchase ready-made aloe vera
products, including whole-leaf juice, skin creams, toothpastes, and pure gel. If
you decide to purchase aloe products, be sure to look for natural products free
of harmful additives.

Chelsea Clark is a writer with a passion for science, human biology, and natural health.
Her interest in natural health has been fueled by her own medical issues, which have
motivated her to help others find relief through natural sources.

Circle #6; see card pg 49
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