Mother Earth Living – September-October 2019

(Joyce) #1

Sept/Oct 2019 13



Copaiba & Cancer

While research into the effects of
copaiba on cancer is in its early
stages, the oil has already shown
great potential to fight cancers,
given its supportive effects on the
immune system. In a study pub-
lished in the European Journal of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, research-
ers found that copaiba stops skin
cancer cells from proliferating.
Researchers also found that copaiba
interfered with the division of colon
cancer cells, thereby reducing their
ability to multiply. Authors of this
study, published in Biomedical
Pharmacotherapy, concluded that
copaiba may play a role in the sup-
pression of colon cancer, attributing
these benefits — at least in part — to
copaiba’s anti-inflammatory prop-
erties. Copaiba may be beneficial
in treating other types of cancers,
including melanoma, lung, lymph,
and breast cancers, but studies of
copaiba’s effects on these cancers
are still in the preliminary phases.

For the healers of the indigenous
Amazon tribes, copaiba oil is nothing
new. They’ve long used it mixed
with honey to ease sore throats and
tonsillitis, as well as to treat topical
pain and wounds; as an antiseptic
to kill bacteria in urinary tract and
respiratory infections; and as an
antibacterial remedy to treat bronchitis
and tuberculosis. In addition, they’ve
utilized the copaiba resin to heal
stomach ulcers, syphilis, tetanus, and a
variety of other afflictions.
Copaiba resin was first recorded in
European medicine in 1625, after early
Jesuit travelers brought it back from the
New World under the name “Jesuit’s
Balsam.” Throughout the early 1800s,
Dr. R. La Roche praised copaiba in med-
ical journals, particularly for its potential
cure in a case of bronchitis. In the 200
years since his findings, almost no men-
tion of copaiba appeared in medical
journals again. In the last several years,
though, a growing body of researchers
has revived the study of copaiba and
revealed what the indigenous people
have known for centuries: Copaiba has
widespread health benefits.

Unlocking the
Endocannabinoid System
Recent research reveals copaiba’s
effectiveness in relieving pain, reducing
inflammation, killing germs and
bacteria, inhibiting tumor growth,
protecting the gastrointestinal (GI)
tract, acting as a mild laxative,
suppressing coughs, and expelling
phlegm. According to extensive
research compiled in Leslie Taylor’s
book, The Healing Power of Rainforest

Herbs, copaiba supports a healthy
cardiovascular, immune, digestive,
nervous, and respiratory system, and
acts as an antioxidant that helps destroy
harmful disease-causing free radicals.
The main reason for copaiba’s many
health benefits stems from its ability to
interact with the body’s powerful endo-
cannabinoid system (ECS). Most people
aren’t familiar with this recently discov-
ered body system, as it’s only been stud-
ied in-depth within the last decade.
If you’ve heard of cannabis, you’re
already somewhat familiar with the
ECS; it’s the same system that allows
the active compounds in cannabis — the
cannabinoids — to interact within the
body via cannabinoid receptors on









In the last several years, a growing body of

researchers has revived the study of copaiba

and revealed what the indigenous people

of the Amazon have known for centuries:

Copaiba has widespread health benefits.

Free download pdf