Mother Earth Living – September-October 2019

(Joyce) #1

Sept/Oct 2019 17


Reduce Your Reliance Now that you know the extent of
your addiction, its nuances, and its underlying reasons, you can deliberate
a detox from the drug. Consider it especially if you consume more than
150 milligrams a day. By following the steps below, you can successfully
and safely remove caffeine from your body.

Your Consumption
When deciding if you need to con-
sider a caffeine detox, you must first
take stock of how much you consume
in a day. There’s approximately 100
to 150 milligrams of caffeine in one
cup of coffee. It’s vital to understand
that as a concrete measurement: One
cup is about 240 milliliters or 8 fluid
ounces. Your favorite mug filled to the
brim is only a “cup” in the colloquial
sense. At Starbucks, only their little-
known “short” size fits the appropri-
ate standard of an 8-ounce drink. This
means that in their first coffee serv-
ing of the day, most Americans are
consuming well more than a cup. So
figure out how much you are
consuming. There’s no sense
in watering down the truth.
Once you’re aware of the
amount and the scale of your
addiction, it’s time to take
stock of how it’s affecting you.
Do you feel shaky or jittery
during the day? Any upset
stomach or abnormal bowel
movements? Do you have
trouble sleeping? Caffeine hits the
bloodstream pretty quickly, and you’ll
generally start to feel its effects 15 to
20 minutes after consumption.
Next, it’s time to consider when
and why you’re drinking caffeine.
Most commonly, Americans consume
their caffeine in the morning as part
of a ritualized routine, and because
of the inextricable fact that it’ll help
hasten the wake-up process. Caffeine
is energy.
When is your next caffeinated
pick-me-up? Do you have a midday
slump? Are you drinking a coffee or
soda in place of a solid lunch or a
brisk afternoon walk? There are many
ways to feel energized, but caffeine is
reliable, convenient, and quick, and
thus is the one we turn to once, twice,
CLO or even several times a day.




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STEP 1. Set yourself up for
success. Caffeine affects everyone
differently, and everyone consumes it
in personalized ways, so there’s no one
way to detox. You’ll want to detox
gradually, and choose a time in your
week or year when you’re not under
much pressure. If you don’t have the
time to treat your body and mind
kindly during this detox attempt, you
might find that you fall off the wagon
as soon as the headaches begin.

STEP 2. Stay well-hydrated. Carry
a reusable water bottle, and consider
adding electrolytes to your water to
help with hydration.

STEP 3. Plan three well-rounded
meals per day. A detox is not the time
to trifle with fast food or sugary snacks;
you’ll need all the energy you can
muster, and this energy must come
from foods that’ll release it slowly and
reasonably into your bloodstream.

STEP 4. Wherever you are, make
time for outdoor exercise. Plan a brisk
afternoon walk, maybe 20 minutes

around your office
complex or out on your
driveway. This will get
your blood pumping
and immediately re-energize you.

STEP 5. Find suitable caffeine
substitutes. Since caffeine consumption
can become a ritual, our daily lives may
seem lacking during a detox. Try replac-
ing the cup of addiction in your tightly
clenched hand with another warm and
sweet drink, such as the recipes on
Pages 18 and 19. If you brave the with-
drawal, you can look forward to a vari-
ety of natural, healthy, warm treats that
offer more than an energy boost.

When detoxing from caffeine, the
majority of adults will experience
withdrawal symptoms, so it’s
imperative that you adequately prepare
yourself. Consider taking a few months
off from coffee, and then, when you’re
ready and your body has rested, you
can add it back into your daily diet, this
time in moderation. You’ll be amazed at
the difference this break makes in your
health and energy!
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