BeanScene – August 2019

(Barry) #1
days extractions and brews. The
Hiroia Jimmy app has pushed into
the areas that no other specialty coffee
scale has been before.”
Within the app, baristas can create
customisable training sessions for their
staff where they can practice pouring
speeds and consistency to replicate
the same pour overs.
“The more scales become a part of
espresso and brew bar set-ups, the more
positive impact they will have on quality,
consistency, and training,” Charles says.
He adds that brewing scales
have become popular additions
to specialty coffee competitions,
helping competitors achieve accurate
extraction volumes.
“Many baristas have been using the
Jimmy scale around the world in barista
and brewing competitions. Jimmy is
quickly becoming the scale of choice
for baristas that need the most from
their scales,” Charles says.
Fully charged, the Jimmy scale will
operate up to 10 hours with 1000 hours
on standby. It is also water resistant.
The Jimmy scale also features a
32-bit processor, with plenty of space
to create and update new modes as

they become available.
“This new technology will
only continue to develop to
ensure the Hiroia Jimmy scales
are the most innovative scales
available,” Charles says.
“One of the great parts of the

Jimmy scale is the new technology
where there will be new espresso
and filter coffee modes with more
training functions in the near future.”

For more information, visit

The Jimmy scale helps baristasprprprractactice
pour speeds and consistency.

days extractions and brews. The
Hiroia Jimmy app has pushed into
the areas that no other specialty coffee
scale has been before.”
Within the app, baristas can create
customisable training sessions for their
staff where they can practice pouring
speeds and consistency to replicate
the same pour overs.
“The more scales become a part of
espresso and brew bar set-ups, the more
positive impact they will have on quality,
consistency, and training,” Charles says.
He adds that brewing scales
have become popular additions
to specialty coffee competitions,
helping competitors achieve accurate
extraction volumes.
“Many baristas have been using the
Jimmy scale around the world in barista
and brewing competitions. Jimmy is
quickly becoming the scale of choice
for baristas that need the most from
their scales,” Charles says.
Fully charged, the Jimmy scale will
operate up to 10 hours with 1000 hours
on standby. It is also water resistant.
The Jimmy scale also features a
32-bit processor, with plenty of space
to create and update new modes as

they become available.
“This new technology will
only continue to develop to
ensure the Hiroia Jimmy scales
are the most innovative scales
available,” Charles says.
“One of the great parts of the

Jimmy scale is the new technology
where there will be new espresso
and filter coffee modes with more
trainingfunctionsin thenearfuture.”

For more information, visit

The Jimmyscalehelpsbaristasprpr ice
pour speeds and consistency.
Free download pdf