BeanScene – August 2019

(Barry) #1



Jibbi Little shares her fantastic take on a Roald Dahl

classic that’s more cunning than any canine and quirkier

than a Wes Anderson movie.

Jibbi Little of Jibbijug is the 2019 ASCA Pauls Professional Australian Latte Art Champion.

Fantastic Mr Fox


ne of my favourite books as a child was Fantastic Mr
Fox. Many people are familiar with Wes Anderson’s
animated film, but it actually began as a novel by
Roald Dahl.
The book tells the story of an intelligent fox that
steals food from a wealthy farmer to support his family. As I child, I
connected with this story and it taught me the importance of family.
When I began conceptualising the patterns I would use this
competition season – from the regional to world stage – I decided
early on that I would use the stories I loved as a child as inspiration
for my designs. Fantastic Mr Fox was one of the first books that
came to mind, both because of its influence on me as a child, and the
countless ways it could be brought to life.
At each subsequent competition, I finetuned the design, working

in different features, techniques, and levels of detail based on the time
constraints and my ability to pour consistently. This pattern is the
one I presented at the Australian Specialty Coffee Association Pauls
Professional 2019 Australian Latte Art Championship in February at the
Melbourne International Coffee Expo. For me, it finds a good middle
ground between the repeatability of the regional version and complexity
of my World Latte Art Championship (WLAC) design. This pattern is
perfect for aspiring baristas to attempt to recreate in their own cafés.
Unfortunately, my WLAC journey was cut short in the semi-finals
where I placed 11th out of 41 competitors. My experience taught
me the value of preparation, knowing the rules and regulations, and

  • similar to how Fantastic Mr Fox did as a child – the value of my
    Australian coffee family. Thank you to everyone for their support
    throughout my WLAC campaign.



Jibbi Little shares her fantastic take on a Roald Dahl

classic that’s more cunning than any canine and quirkier

than a Wes Anderson movie.

Jibbi Little of Jibbijug is the 2019 ASCA Pauls Professional Australian Latte Art Champion.

Fantastic Mr Fox


ne of my favourite books as a child was Fantastic Mr
Fox. Many people are familiar with Wes Anderson’s
animated film, but it actually began as a novel by
Roald Dahl.
The book tells the story of an intelligent fox that
steals food from a wealthy farmer to support his family. As I child, I
connected with this story and it taught me the importance of family.
When I began conceptualising the patterns I would use this
competition season – from the regional to world stage – I decided
early on that I would use the stories I loved as a child as inspiration
for my designs. Fantastic Mr Fox was one of the first books that
came to mind, both because of its influence on me as a child, and the
countless ways it could be brought to life.
At each subsequent competition, I finetuned the design, working

in different features, techniques, and levels of detail based on the time
constraints and my ability to pour consistently. This pattern is the
one I presented at the Australian Specialty Coffee Association Pauls
Professional 2019 Australian Latte Art Championship in February at the
Melbourne International Coffee Expo. For me, it finds a good middle
ground between the repeatability of the regional version and complexity
of my World Latte Art Championship (WLAC) design. This pattern is
perfect for aspiring baristas to attempt to recreate in their own cafés.
Unfortunately, my WLAC journey was cut short in the semi-finals
where I placed 11th out of 41 competitors. My experience taught
me the value of preparation, knowing the rules and regulations, and

  • similar to how Fantastic Mr Fox did as a child – the value of my
    Australian coffee family. Thank you to everyone for their support
    throughout my WLAC campaign.

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