New Zealand Listener – August 10, 2019

(Romina) #1

laundering. Naturally, it can
be dismissed as left-wing bias,
but Bryan has assembled some
fairly big names, including
former US ambassador to
Russia Michael McFaul, former
CIA chief of Russian opera-
tions Steven Hall, and Richard
Nixon’s White House counsel,
John Dean. The most high-
profile interviewees are Hillary
Clinton and John McCain.
Westside (Three, 8.30pm). As

usual, they’re going out with
a bang, not a whimper. A dou-
ble-episode finale, the first of
which is the 150th episode
of the Outrageous Fortune tel-
evisual universe, or the OTU,
as co-creator James Griffin
likes to call it. It appears the
war with Frankie Figgs (Peter
Elliott) is coming to a disas-
trous conclusion. Meanwhile,
when Bilkey’s HIV-positive
partner, Will (Kip Chapman),

Time has moved on since
the 2010 BBC documentary
Horizon: The Death of the
Oceans? (Choice TV, Sunday,
3.30pm), meaning that, in
2019, there’s no need for
that question mark.
Nevertheless, we still
need Sir David Attenbor-
ough to remind us that
we’d better get our act
together or we’re going to
lose “the heart and lungs of
the Earth”.
Attenborough reveals
the findings of the Census
of Marine Life, a five-year
survey by about 2000
scientists from 90 coun-
tries. They were measuring
marine life and, in the
process, discovered new
species. On the Great Bar-
rier Reef, a worm specialist
discovered 22 new crea-
tures and a seaweed and

algae expert found seven
new species.
But it was not good news
then and, with what we
now know about plastic in
the ocean, it’s still not good
news. Predictions suggest
the seas will be fished
clean by 2050, with all coral
dead from acidification
(“the greatest threat to the
oceans today”) and ship-
ping noise affecting whale
and dolphin survival.
Queen Victoria & Her Nine
Children (Prime, Tuesday,

  1. 3 0 p m) examines the reign
    of the Queen through her
    relationships with her many
    offspring. She largely left
    the parenting to husband
    Albert, but his death in
    1861 left her struggling
    with royal duties and her
    difficult children, especially
    the heir apparent, Edward.


Active Measures, Monday.
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