Architects Datafile - 08.2019

(Darren Dugan) #1
on the Catalogue of Impact Tested products.
Although the above list of requirements can
be daunting, we are available to discuss all
details of any project in more detail and
advise accordingly. We would also welcome
the opportunity to provide a CPD to any
architectural organisation.

International Workshop
Agreements: IWA 14.1 & 14.2
The IWA14 specification is now the main
standard in the UK that all manufacturers
use to test their product developments.
IWA 14.1 and 14.2 are new international
ISO International Workshop Agreements
that combine and update elements from
PAS 68, PAS 69, ASTM F 2656 and CWA
16221, as well as new content.

  • IWA 14-1:2013 is the International
    Workshop Agreement which specifies the
    essential impact performance requirement
    for a VSB and a test method for rating its
    performance when subjected to a single
    impact by a test vehicle not driven by a
    human being.

  • IWA 14-2:2013 provides guidance for the
    selection, installation and use of VSBs
    and describes the process of producing
    operational requirements (ORs). It also
    gives guidance on a design method for
    assessing the performance of a VSB.

Publicly Available Specification:
BSi PAS 68
BSi PAS 68 is the latest Publicly Available
Specification from the British Standards
Institute (BSi) for vehicle security barriers.
It has become the UK’s standard and the
security industry’s benchmark for HVM
(Hostile Vehicle Mitigation) equipment,

and is the specification against which
perimeter security equipment is tested as
part of the ongoing research to prevent
VBIED (Vehicle Born Improvised
Explosive Device) attacks. BSi PAS 69
complements this specification by
providing guidance on the installation of
the tested product.

Who can help
When designing the landscape, key
importance should be given to the asset of
the site and potential threats. For instance,
when designing a Public Realm or
Crowded Place venue, the threat could be
a vehicle as a weapon (VAWs). What speed
could a potential hostile vehicle reach on
the run up to the site? Could landscaping
to avoid a clear run up to the asset help?
If the site, or neighbouring site, you are
designing is at risk from VBIEDs, the
National Counter Terrorism Security
Office (NaCTSO) has published Security
Advice that can help. Each police force
across the UK has a number of Counter
Terrorist Security Advisors (CTSAs) which
are headed by the NaCTSO (The National
Counter Terrorism Security Office).
Additionally, the Centre for the Protection
of the National Infrastructure can offer
further advice.

The correct specification and control
philosophy is the basis for a well design
system that meets all the site-specific
requirements. It is important to install a
product that has been tested to the latest
specifications and standards recognised
by the Government for critical national
infrastructure sites, and imperative
that the product installed is the impact
tested product.
Alongside the impact test specification
will be an installation guidance
specification, for instance IWA 14 impact
tested products installation guidance is
IWA14-2, and PAS 68 impact tested
products installation guidance is PAS 69.
It is very important that a qualified and
highly experienced installer, preferably the
manufacturer of the product, should install
and commission the product so that it
meets the IWA14-2/PAS69 specifications.
For all automatic equipment it is also
imperative that the products are also
maintained according to the manufacturers
guidance and usage of the product.

Sally Osmond is brand & development
manager at Frontier Pitts



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