(Joyce) #1

PA RVATASA N ATo p, `9,000 and pants, `19,000,Essé by Sahib & Sunayana.9. ASHWA SANCHALANASANA—Inhale (repeat posture four)Mantra: Om Adityaya Namaha—salutations to the son ofAditi, the cosmic mother.Chakra: Ajna—also known as the third eye, locatedbetween the eyebrows.In this pose we salute Aditi, the creative power fromwhich all other powers manifest.10. PADAHASTA ASANA—Exhale (repeat posture three)Mantra: Om Savitre Namaha—salutations to he who is fitto be praised.Chakra: Svadhisthana—located in the genital region.This is a prayer to Savitri, to arouse us intomeaningful activity.11. HASTA UTTHANASANA—Inhale (repeat posture two)Mantra: Om Arkaya Namaha—salutations to he who is fit tobe praised.Chakra: Vishuddha—at the base of the throat.The word arka means energy, and the sun is its most powerfulsource in this world. In this pose, we salute this energy.12. PRANAMASANAMantra: Om Bhaskaraya Namaha—salutations to he who leadsto enlightenment.Chakra: Anahata—the heart chakra, located in the centre of thechest slightly left of the heart.Aptly, the final posture oers respect to the sun as a symbol ofthegreatest revealer of all transcendental and spiritual light. ■Makeup and hair: Rasino Terhuja. Location: Courtesy The Roseate, New Delhi. See Where To Buy for details.

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