(Joyce) #1

HOROSCOPEVIRGOAUGUST 24SEPTEMBER 23TAURUSAPRIL 21MAY 21Expand your knowledge or climb onemore rung up the ladder of success, butdon’t lose touch with reality. It mightbe easy to misread signals by those whoaren’t recommending that you’re fast-tracked to the top.LUCK Y DAY 12 th—reaching out tosomeone elusive brings thrilling results.You have allowed the outside worldto impose on your private life. Don’tmake idle promises about how thingscan be put right overnight. Meaningfulchanges will improve the situation overa period of time.LUCKY DAY 7 th—friends prevent youfrom making a slip you’d regret.LEOJULY 24AUGUST 23Without constantly checking bankstatements, establish how well-off youare. Confront people who are in yourdebt. You don’t want to be unpleasant,but you need to toughen up a little.LUCK Y DAY 28 th—journeys you’vepostponed can be enjoyed to the fullest. ■As much as you might enjoy the way aclose relationship is developing, you’lleventually have to discuss some delicateissues. By the last week of June, geta mutual understanding in place for anespecially sensitive subject.LUCKY DAY 29 th—follow a hunch andyou’ll boost your bank balance.CAPRICORNDECEMBER 22JANUARY 20``````SAGITTARIUSNOVEMBER 23DECEMBER 21SCORPIOOCTOBER 24NOVEMBER 22LIBRASEPTEMBER 24OCTOBER 23You may be tired of hearing you shouldlook after yourself. Seek out originalways of not only keeping yourself itbut also maintaining emotional andmental health.LUCK Y DAY 18 th—by questioningsomebody’s motives, you score points.You have had your share of stress andhardwork. Take steps to ensure yourpeace of mind and well-being howeverunnecessary you may think it is.A self-care regime could make all thediference in the world.LUCKY DAY 2 nd—as you speak wordsof love, everything seems to change.``````Rather than spending time and energyon a shared project, think aboutdevelopments on the family front. hereis one individual longing for you to oferyour inimitable help and support.LUCKY DAY 23 rd—your stunningrescue plan keeps somebody’s ideas aoat.``````Someone’s ideas on travel or otherventures will seem pleasant at first—but rather dull to you. Make sure you’rehappy to accept any critical commentsif things don’t work out. Avoid anythingtoo ambitious.LUCK Y DAY 19 th—exploring unusualtopics stimulates your mind.``````AQUARIUSJANUARY 21FEBRUARY 19``````PISCESFEBRUARY 20MARCH 20``````ARIESMARCH 21APRIL 20Cash in on a chance to develop an ideathat could reap generous proits for you.You may be reluctant to involve peoplewith whom you’ve shared somethingsimilar in the past. Don’t feel obliged tojustify yourself to anybody else.LUCK Y DAY 13 th—reveal a secret sideof yourself and everybody wins.GEMINIMAY 22JUNE 21MAY 22JUNE 21You may have felt justified inkeeping private information toyourself. Don’t be surprised ifa heartfelt discussion persuadesyou to disclose more aboutyourself than ever before.The fact that your instinctsencourage you to trust makesall the dierence.``````LUCKY DAY1st—a win orachievement impresseseverybody close by.``````Don’t blame yourself for enjoying thefeeling of being more vigorous andenergetic. Those around you should nottake advantage and overload you withresponsibilities. Think of yourself andlet it be known that you’re no fool.LUCK Y DAY 15 th—problems are solvedby your surprise intervention.``````Dark thoughts seeping into areas in whichyou had hoped to do well mustn’t betaken seriously. Something you’re meantto celebrate and enjoy may be spoiled.Hold on to reality and refuse to give in toconcerns that have no foundation to them.LUCK Y DAY 6 th—people you see all toorarely have good news to share.``````JUNE PREDICTIONS BY PETER WATSONCANCERJUNE 22JULY 23Fendi pendant,price upon request.``````FENDI

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