(Joyce) #1

ASHTANGA NAMASKARATo p, `12,250, Integument. Pants, `5,290, Em & Shi.5. PA RVATASA N A—ExhaleMantra: Om Khagaya Namaha—salutations to he whomoves quickly in the sky.Chakra: Vishuddha—at the base of the throat.Bring the right foot back, straighten the knees, and press yourpalms and heels on the ground so that the body forms a V.This asana strengthens the nerves and muscles in the armsand legs, and stretches the entire body.6. ASHTANGA NAMASKARA—Retain the breathMantra: Om Pushne Namah a—salutations to the giver ofstrength and nourishment.Chakra: Manipura—the third primary chakra, located inthe navel.Bring your chin, chest, and knees on the ground while the hipsremain raised. Tuck the toes in.In this pose, we relax and maintain kumbhak (holding thebreath). This marks the midpoint of the surya namaskara, and isa moment to rest. 7. BHUJANGASANA—Inhale Mantra: Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha—salutations to the golden cosmic self. Chakra: Svadhisthana—located in the genital region. Slide your body forward with your chest and chin up, arms in line with the shoulders, and then flatten your toes. This pose compresses the chest and abdomen, and releases all the tension from the back while stimulating the nerves of the spine. It is one of the best back stretches in all of yoga. 8. PA RVATASA N A—Exhale (repeat posture ive) Mantra: Om Mariche Namaha—salutations to the lord of the dawn. Chakra: Vishuddha—at the base of the throat. This is a repetition of posture five, or the parvatasana.

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