Woman’s World USA – August 05, 2019

(C. Jardin) #1
extract! Three studies
suggest massaging sore
muscles with diluted
yarrow essential oil
(5 drops mixed into
1 tsp. of carrier oil)
can erase aches and
pains in five minutes.
Explains internist Jafar
Nasiri, M.D., this herb con-
tains a compound (apigenin)
that relaxes muscles and reduces
pain-triggering inflammation.

Tames headaches:
Tiger Balm
We love changing up our rou-
tine during vacation, but even
fun disruptions raise your risk
of headache f lares by 45%.
When brain pain threatens
to derail plans, tr y gently
massaging your temples with
Tiger Balm for one minute.
Australian researchers say this
medicinal ointment—a blend Ge



Surprise! These skin helpers

are hair miracles too

Stay Young with

Soothes stomach:
Marshmallow tea
Every summer, 70% of us
deal with indigestion, bloat or
heartburn. But a simple cup
of mild marshmallow tea can
quash all those issues, thanks
to the herbal brew’s healing
compounds (mucilage and flavo-
noids). Researchers say drinking
two mugs daily can cut your risk
of digestive troubles in half, plus
settle a roiling stomach within
20 minutes of the first sip.

Eases muscle pain:
Ya r row oil
Whether we’re strolling on
the boardwalk or leaping in the
ocean, almost all of
us are more active
on vacation, and
that doubles our
risk of muscle pain,
Harvard researchers
say. An on-the-go Rx: yarrow

We love our summer trips, but we’d rather take a pass on
tummy turmoil and disrupted sleep. Thankfully, experts say
these remedies guarantee all the fun—without worry!

100% healthy

wherever you travel

of painkilling camphor, mint,
cajuput and clove oils—tames
headache pain as quickly and
effectively as OTC pain meds!

Induces sleep:
Passionflower capsules
Different mattress, differ-
ent sheets, different sounds
mean 63% of us don’t sleep
well on vacation! The good
news: A study in the journal
Phytotherapy Research suggests
taking 250 mg. to 500 mg. of
passionflower extract at bed-
time can help you snooze up to

Sunscreens break down 67%
faster when they’re exposed to
high heat. Instead of stashing
SPF in your car, tuck it in your
purse. Headed to the beach or
lake? Toss it in your cooler.

Protect your SPF!

More natural^ health^ news

18 8/5/19^ Woma n’s World

A sugar scrub prompts
growth. Similar to how sugar
exfoliates dry facial skin to
soften lines, it exfoliates follicle-
clogging cells from the scalp to
thwart fallout and thinning. Try
it: Add 1 Tbs. of sugar to a dol-
lop of shampoo. Massage onto
scalp; rinse. Do twice a week.

A clay mask restores
luster. The same minerals in
clay that detoxif y sk in for a
youthful glow also remove hair-
dulling buildup on the hair shaft
for shiny strands. Apply one
like Yes to Grapefruit Vitamin
C Brightening Clay Mask
(CVS.com) to hair once a week.

A vinegar toner plumps
roots. Just like astringent vinegar
shrinks facial pores to control oil,
it does the same for hair follicles,
so excess output won’t weigh hair
down. Try it: Pour^1 ⁄ 4 cup of apple
cider vinegar and^1 ⁄ 4 cup of warm
water into a spray bottle; shake.
Mist onto dry roots as needed.

Sandalwood, bergamot and
other fragrances can cause
a rash when exposed to UV
light. When you’re spending
days outside, spritz perfume
under your clothing,
where sunlight can’t

To prevent

65 minutes longer, often from
the first night! Study co-author
Russ Conduit, Ph.D., says this
herb is a gentle sedative and
muscle-relaxant, plus it calms
the anxiety center of the brain.
Note: Check with your doctor
before supplementing.
—Brenda Kearns
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