Woman’s World USA – August 05, 2019

(C. Jardin) #1
Research shows that women over age
40 are especially sensitive to light, which
can interfere with melatonin production.
To darken your room for a deeper rest, try
making the switch to blackout curtains. One
study found that folks exposed to less night-
time light needed 92% lower
doses of insomnia medica-
tions (and it took them 85%
less time to fall asleep) than
those exposed to the most
overnight light.

Natural acids in sea buckthorn oil reduce swelling and pain.
Massage it onto sore skin before bedtime to sleep soundly.

Sitting in the sun for a few minutes
too long is all it takes to end up with
uncomfortably tender skin. But a sun-
burn doesn’t have to rob you of restor-
ative sleep. A UCLA study found that
sipping^1 ⁄ 2 cup of pomegranate juice
daily significantly tamps down sleep-
robbing inflammation and can cut
healing time in half.

Summer practically begs for sipping dai-
quiris poolside or savoring peach pie with
friends. But when alcohol, spicy dishes or
rich desserts cause sleep-disrupting indi-
gestion, watch the sunset to get your GI
system back on track. Just 15 minutes of
relaxation soon after dinner ups the produc-
tion of digestive enzymes, British researchers
report, cutting your heartburn risk in half.

Prevent overnight

GI upset by relaxing

Silence can’t-sleep

stress by scrapbooking
Driving young ones to swim practice, tidying
up the house before a barbecue...summer’s
hustle and bustle can amplify stress, mak-
ing it difficult to catch enough shut-eye. But
Harvard researchers found that enjoying
20 minutes of calming activities that keep
your hands busy, like embroidery or scrap-
booking, lowers the body’s cortisol levels
within five minutes, kick-starting the produc-
tion of drowsiness-inducing hormones.

University of Illinois scientists say get-
ting out in nature for a few minutes
daily noticeably tames stress, making
you more likely to sleep deeply at night.

Reset your body

clock with AM sun

Soothe a snooze-

sapping sunburn

with a fruity sip

woes solved!

If you’re tossing and turning at night, the
trick to a deeper sleep may be in how you
start your day. British scientists found
that soaking up the sun shortly after you
wake (say, walking with a pal or enjoying
breakfast on your patio) can add up to 46
minutes to your nightly slumber. The rea-
son? A morning dose of sunshine resets the
body’s pineal gland, which is responsible for
triggering the production of sleep-inducing
brain chemicals in the evening.

Woma n’s World^ 8/5/19 (^21)
Enjoying a spoonful of unpasteurized honey
at bedtime lowers your odds of
a heartburn flare by 55%,
say Australian scientists.
Credit goes to honey’s
polyphenols, which coat
the esophagus to block irri-
tating stomach acid.

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