Woman’s World USA – August 05, 2019

(C. Jardin) #1
Blood sugar

Simply build your meals
around veggies, fruit, whole
grains and beans. Enjoy
other low-fat, unprocessed
plant foods freely; limit
quantities of higher-fat plant
foods and skip animal prod-
ucts altogether. For more
great tips and inspiration,
check out Dr. Barnard’s
site, PCRM.org. We also
love DrMcDougall.com
and EatPlant-Based.com.
Always get a doctor’s
okay to try any new plan—
especially if you take insulin
or sulfonylureas.


eal Barnard, M.D., says his
food prescription is simple:
Build all your meals and
snacks from plant foods, empha-
sizing options low in fat and rich
in fiber. “Your staples will be veg-
etables, fruit, whole grains, beans
and peas,” he says. Dress them up
with extras like tomato sauce or
hummus, even a little maple syrup
or wine. Small amounts of fat-rich
plants like avocado, nuts and olives
are fine. But, particularly if you
have weight to lose, avoid pure
oil altogether. You also stay away
from all animal foods, including

eggs and dairy. Dr. Barnard says
the possibilities are endless and
the portions really are unlimited.
“Try it for 10 days and see how
you do. My hope is you’ll like the
results so much, you’ll want to
stick with it for good.”

Why magic happens
Thank s to brea kthrough tech-
nology called magnetic resonance
spectroscopy, scientists can now
peek inside individual cells. Yale
researchers using the technique dis-
covered that “there are microscopic
fat particles building up in our

If you hate small portions but would love a smaller waist, Dr. Neal
Barnard’s new anti-diabetes breakthrough could be your perfect
diet. “We’re using food to protect and restore health—and the
payoff is huge, particularly if you have or are at risk of type 2
diabetes,” reveals the George Washington University researcher
and world-renowned expert on plant-based eating. In fact, folks
are reversing blood-sugar issues and losing massive amounts of
weight—up to 12 pounds every five days!—while eating their fill of
pancakes, corn chips, bread, pasta, even frozen desserts. “We’ve
tested this approach on thousands of people,” reports Dr. Barnard,
“and we hear two things over and over: ‘I can’t believe how easy it
is’ and ‘I had no idea I could feel this good!’”


Veteran dieter Esther Loveridge was struggling with
constant pain in her knees when her doctor told her
she needed to lose 70 pounds to have knee surger y.
That’s when a pal suggested low-fat, plant-based
eating. “At first I counted calories, afraid to eat too
much,” Esther recalls. But soon she was heap-
ing her plate with oatmeal, stuffed potatoes, rice
and beans as fat disappeared. “I lost 17" from my
waist, reversed my prediabetes, got off five meds,
avoided double knee replacement—I don’t even
need glasses anymore!” raves the California great-
grandmother. “I went from a size 26 to a 6 at age 75,
and I’m on a natural high all the time. This way of
eating helps with everything!”

Esther lost 130 lbs!




Eat all this and still lose huge!

Elliott O’Donovan. Grooming: Starr McGee. Rudy Meyers Photography. H&M: Paula Barkley. Recipe from The Vegan Starter
Kit by Neal D. Barnard, MD, FACC. © 2018. Used with permission. Getty (3); Shutterstock; Media Bakery. Text: Allison Nemetz
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