Woman’s World USA – August 05, 2019

(C. Jardin) #1


Grilled low-fat vegan
burger with a whole-
grain bun and low-fat
toppings; enjoy sides
like fat-free vegan
baked beans and corn.

Nibble on any low-fat
plant-based foods you
like, such as baked
corn chips with salsa or
whole-grain cereal with
nut milk and fruit.

Breakfast Lunch Snacks Dinner

In blender, blitz 1 banana
11 ⁄^2 cups oat flour, 1 cup
nut milk and dash cocoa.
Cook in pan with cooking
spray. Top with syrup.

To s s c o o ke d w h o le - gr ain
pasta with your pick of
beans, chopped veggies
and herbs; enjoy with
low-fat vinaigrette.

oil? I went to Chef AJ Website.
com and learned that veggies
have 3,800 fewer calories per
pound than oil.” Soon fill-
ing up on oil-free butternut
bisque, burrito bowls and berry
crumble, Heather found she
could (finally!) eat as much as
she wanted while the pounds
poured off. “Now my diabe-
tes, high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, joint pain, asthma,
sleep apnea—they’re all gone.
And I’m down 256 pounds,”
she reveals. “This way of eating
makes you feel reborn!”

unlimited low-fat plant-based
food experienced dramatic
improvements in blood sugar
and lost 13 times more weight
than a group eating an omnivo-
rous diet. Says Dr. Barnard:
“You start losing weight and get-
ting healthier without struggle.”

Real-world wow
Heather Goodwin, 48, says
she was born with an insatiable
appetite. After years of yo-
yoing, the 5'2" Oregon mom hit
436 pounds and found herself
struggling with diabetes and
a long list of hea lth problems.
“I’m not one to give up, so when
I heard about plant-based eat-
ing, I tried it.” Her initial results
were promising, “but I’d started
cheating and regaining. Then
I heard people raving about a
woman named Chef AJ and
how delicious her plant-based
food made with no oil, sugar
or even sa lt was. It intrigued
me. How could her food pos-
sibly taste good? And why no

much faster than before. Energy
also increases. Mood improves.
And blood sugar issues, includ-
ing full-blown type 2 diabetes,
improve and can even go away.”
Why is a plant-based diet the
best way to unclog cells? For
starters, plant foods are
less likely to become
fat particles in
the first place.
A British study
showed that folks
who avoid animal
products end up
with almost 50%
fewer fat particles
compared to meat
eaters of the same age and
body weight. Dr. Barnard adds
that saturated fat from animal
products continuously creates
more fat particles. “A low-fat
plant-based diet has very little
saturated fat, so your body is
able to burn the fat particles,
and then they’re not replaced,”
he says. It’s the reason his recent
study found that folks allowed

muscle and liver cells—and it
revolutionized our understand-
ing of obesity and diabetes,” Dr.
Barnard says. “These particles
block the hormone insulin as it
tries to get sugar into cells to be
burned for energ y.” It’s the
root cause of insulin
resistance and
that leave
cells literally
starving for
fuel even as
large amounts
of sugar go
unburned and
end up as fat. “Your
pancreas begins making extra
insulin to force sugar into
blocked cells,” explains the doc.
“Eventually it can’t keep up, and
type 2 diabetes develops.”
Here’s Dr. Barnard’s good
news: A low-fat plant-based diet
quickly eliminates fat particles,
and “your cells essentially wake
up and start burning calories


One (^) study found that
when folks with heart
disease change (^) to plant-
based (^) eating, they’re (^) ove
100 r^
times less likely to have
a heart (^) attack than (^) those
who (^) don’t (^) make
the switch.
Based on new Yale research, Dr. Neal Barnard’s
anti-diabetes trick helps speed off 24 lbs in 10 days
Woma n’s World^ 8/5/19 (^23)
Blitz all ingredients in a (^) food (^) proces-
sor or high-speed blender. Transfer
to a covered container and freeze (^30)
minutes. Stir (^) with a fork and freeze
again until desired consistency,
about (^30) more minutes. Serves 1
(^1) cup frozen mixed berries
(^1) cup frozen banana slices
(^1) ⁄ (^2) cup almond milk
1 ⁄ (^4) cup maple syrup (^) (optional)
Cool off with
berry sorbet!
Dr. Barnard’s easy, icy treat
is slimming and healing!
These meals “detox” cells, working blood sugar + metabolism magic
For more great
tips and recipes,
check out Dr. Neal
Barnard’s Program
for Reversing
Diabetes or The
Vegan Starter Kit

Free download pdf