The Week India – June 30, 2019

(coco) #1

86 THE WEEK • JUNE 30, 2019



gaunt, greying man whose rib bones can be
numbered. But his face has a confi dent, wide
smile; his eyes have a certain mystique. THE
WEEK cover features a Gandhi who is far away
from a cinematic image. Th is Gandhi on canvas was created
early this year by the celebrated artist Riyas Komu, who was
inspired by a 1931 photograph of Gandhi in London. Titled
Oru Jathimadam, the 6x5ft oil painting has the “fakir stand-
ing defi antly against a violent world”. Komu talks about his
major works on Gandhi. Excerpts:

What did you learn about Gandhi while researching for
your paintings?
Th e most important thing in Gandhian actions is the way
he trusted God as witness. We all know how he reversed the
statement ‘God is Truth’ into ‘Truth is God’ while con-
versing with an atheist. He said: “I see and fi nd beauty in
truth or through truth. All truths, not merely true ideas, but
truthful faces, truthful pictures or songs are highly beauti-
ful.... Whenever men begin to see beauty in truth, then true
art will arise (Young India, 13-11-1924).”
In our ‘post-truth’ times, it is compelling and incumbent
upon us to revisit Gandhi’s engagement with the idea of
truth as a witness or as a measure and test of every human
act. Another signifi cant thing that amazed me was the way
he treated ‘the other’ vis-a-vis his self. Th e legacy Gandhi
gave us is that of nonviolence, and India as a nation is built
on such a legacy. Th e crisis [that] the idea of ‘Gandhi’ is
now facing is not only political but also deeply religious.

Deeply infl uenced both by Indian traditions
and western modernity with all the challenges
both posed, Gandhi’s struggles and experiments
with truth were directed within and without. So,
today I search/re-search Gandhi amidst people.
Gandhi/sm becomes all the more signifi cant in
two more ways: as to what it contains or points to
as well as the ways in which it opened itself out to
the world, life and nature. Gandhi inspires me be-
cause the very act—creation/making—was at the
core of his scheme of things. For Gandhi, action
was the way of imagining. In other words, acting
was a spontaneous expression of imagination for
him. My journeys and research through various
manifestations like the scriptures, texts, philos-
ophies and images, are to enable us to imagine
while acting and vice versa. In my art, I work
towards imaging and imagining a diff erent world
where life is more humane and wholesome, rath-
er than oppressive, divisive and alienating.

In your work ‘Gandhi from Kochi’ (2015),
which is again a series of paintings inspired by
the same 1931 photograph, you showed Gandhi
in a revolutionary red background.
Th e infamous words of Churchill in 1931 testify
Gandhi as a thorn in the fl esh of the British em-
pire: “It is alarming and also nauseating to see Mr
Gandhi, a seditious Middle Temple lawyer, now
posing as a fakir of a type well known in the East,
striding half-naked up the steps of the Viceregal





Riyas Komu
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