Jane Austen’s Regency World – July 01, 2019

(C. Jardin) #1

Gin o’clock for Janeites
“Fifty cocktails to celebrate the novels of Jane
Austen” is the subject of Gin Austen, a new
book by Colleen Mulanney, which celebrates
the picnics, luncheons, dinner parties, and
glamorous balls of Austen’s world: social
engagements where gossip reigned, love
flourished and drinks flowed. According to
the announcement, in Gin Austen “the reader
can discover an exotic world of cobblers,
crustas, flips, punches, shrubs, slings, sours
and toddies, with recipes that evoke the past
but suit today’s tastes”. Pictured is a “Fanny’s
Fo l l y ” (photo by Christopher Baine), a cocktail
inspired by Fanny Price from Mansfield Park
that includes light white wine, apricot brandy,
peach brandy, lemon juice and garnishings.
Review, page 62

Dow to speak
The annual general
meeting of the Jane
Austen Society of the UK
take place on Saturday,

July 13, at Chawton House. Dr Gillian Dow,
professor of English at Southampton and
former director of Chawton House, will be
the guest speaker in the afternoon.
Free download pdf