Classic Scooterist – July-August 2019

(lu) #1
getting a loan from the bank, finally wearing
his desert boots, parka and carrying his NYPD
scooter hat!

After completing the formalities, Freddy set-off
on his chosen scenic journey home; he found
it easy with everything about scooter riding
coming back to him as if he’d never been
away. That was until he came to go round a
roundabout, which he nearly went straight
over. He stopped, then went back to the shop
where he told them something was wrong. The
mechanic checked it out, test rode it and the
handling seemed normal... for a Vespa!
As Freddy used to have a Lambretta it was
explained that it was a different beast and
not as planted on the road, something that he
would have to get used to.
Happy with this explanation he set off in the
direction of home for the second time. He called
into a petrol station and while searching the

forecourt for the two-stroke oil dispensing pump
head a voice on the tannoy: “Are you okay?”
Freddy replied in his Lancastrian twang: “Am
looking for t’oil pump!”
The young lass in the kiosk explained that
the two-stroke oil was now in the shop. Freddy
thought they must be right thieving b@!!*#s
round here if they need to keep the oil pump
inside. After a rather confusing conversation,
the young lass called her dad to see if he
could help? “Mi dad says, when were last time
you were on a scoooter?”
With the oil situation now explained, it was a
short ride back to Turners where he purchased
some oil and the required mixing jug. How
times had changed!
Eventually Freddy arrived home on his newly
acquired scooter and knocked loudly on the
back gate. His wife, Sheila, opened the gate,
looked at a beaming Freddy sitting proudly
upon his new machine, called him a daft so-
and -so and walked back in the house.

Freddy was back and his Mod lifestyle was
full steam ahead, refreshing his wardrobe,
attending Northern Soul nights plus collecting
accessories and the likes to adorn his Vespa.
The little Vespa 150 Super was christened
Rosie by his grand-daughter, due to the fact it
was adorned with the Red Rose of Lancashire.
Slowly but surely Rosie evolved into a real
Mod machine, which he loved; but what Freddy
still hankered for was a Lambretta – a Series
2 to be precise – again to be personalised in
the Mod style.
He started collecting as many nice
accessories as possible and kept an eye out
for the right machine, eventually finding what
he thought was the perfect machine. A price
that was agreed on, but this eventually rose
dramatically for a scooter that, in Freddy’s
words, was not up to the mark. Totally gutted
and feeling let-down, he went to H-Bomb
Scooters who sorted out all the issues, thus

Freddy’s original membership cards


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